DT Exchange Demand Test App

Digital Turbine has developed a self-serve test tool, allowing DSP partners to test their integration and creatives on DT Exchange. This tool aims to ensure partners can validate the smooth rendering of ads.

The following is the workflow for using this tool:

  • Download DT's Test Apps onto the DSP’s test devices
  • Test components and behaviors such as the close button, video skip button, countdown timer, video skipability standards, and close button delays
  • Report issues directly to the account manager

Ad Formats Available for Testing 


Login/Setup an Account to Download the Test App


To obtain login credentials, contact your Account Manager. Specify if multiple user logins are required. A single login can be shared across all team members.

  1. Login to the Web Tool with your user credentials
  2. Click on App Links located on the left-side menu


  3. To download, select either the iOS or Android link, depending on the platform you would like to test

To receive an automatic notification once a new SDK version is released, follow our iOS and Android Changelog pages.

Choosing your Testing Method

There are two testing alternatives:

Ad Lifecycle is used for end-to-end testing of live integrations. DT Exchange sends a bid request to your servers and guarantees the winning of your bid response. The ad you chose to serve is displayed in the test app for you to validate.

Creative Tester is used for testing a mock bid response that you can upload in advance using the web tool. The ad you uploaded is displayed in the test app.

DSPs that are actively integrated but not yet live, can only access the Creative Tester Tool. Once your OpenRTB integration is live, the Ad Lifecycle tool becomes available.

Digital Turbine's Features for Testing

Parameters  Creative Tester Ad Lifecycle 

Review the bid request parameters, including custom extensions.

For more details about the bid request structure, check out DT's OpenRTB specifications.



Test specific creatives before launching a new integration or a new creative format.


Check server to server notifications such as nurl, burl, and lurl.


Check ad functionality such as VAST quartile tracking, impression tracking, click tracking, attribution tracking, load time performance, MRAID actions, VAST waterfall for media files and companion ads, etc.

Screen_Shot_2022-08-16_at_12.24.15.png Screen_Shot_2022-08-16_at_12.24.15.png

Confirm proper rendering, resizing, and centering webview margins.

Screen_Shot_2022-08-16_at_12.24.15.png Screen_Shot_2022-08-16_at_12.24.15.png

Uploading an Ad Using Creative Tester

If you are testing an ad using Ad Lifecycle, skip this step.

  1. Login to Web Tool as described in the previous step
  2. Click the Creative Tester tab located on the top left corner of the screen
  3. Click on the Create button located in the center of the screen

  4. Describe your Ad in the Box located in the center of the screen
  5. Add any oRTB parameters by clicking + next to the search bar, allowing extra properties to be added to the bid response
    Extra properties are set in a key-value format, while the key can be any of the supported open RTB parameters by DT
  6. To save properties click the ✔ icon


  7. Paste either HTML or VAST, similar to the content of the adm field in an Open RTB response

  8. Click Save to view the QR code

Locating the QR Code

To locate the QR code, return to the web tool. This process differs, depending on whether you are using the Ad Lifecycle or Create Tester.

For Ad Lifecycle, click Ad Lifecycle located on the right panel, and the QR code is displayed.

For Creative Tester, click Creative Tester located on the right panel below Ad Lifecycle, then click the arrow on the left of the DT Exchange mocks panel to expand the QR code.

Scanning the QR Code and Testing the Ad

Android iOS
  1. To scan the QR code tap the QR code icon on the top right corner
  2. Direct the camera towards the QR code depending on the type of test method - Ad Lifecycle or Creative Tester you chose on the web tool
  3. Select an ad format from the drop-down menu located in the center of the screen


To use Chrome Developer Tools to inspect and remove devices, click here

  1. Tap Load to render the ad

For Interstitial and Rewarded ad formats, you must tap Load and then Show to render the Ad.


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