DT Offer Wall Advertiser Management API


The DT Offer Wall Advertiser Management API allows users to to update their application bids automatically, through a GraphQL endpoint. This feature is intended for programmatic access only and is not available through ACP Edge console, other than to obtain the token.

Authentication and Obtaining API Token

Every request to the DT Offer Wall Advertiser Management API must be authenticated with an API token. This token identifies the advertiser account.

To Create an API Token:

  1. Log-in to your ACP Edge account, here.
  2. On the side-bar menu, click Account to open the Account window
  3. Click the Security Tokens tab


  4. Click mceclip2.png
  5. Select which token you want to create.
    Click Management API Token
  6. Click mceclip4.png  


It is important to keep a copy of your token, as it is displayed only once when it is generated.


To authenticate your GraphQL query, set x-api-key HTTP header with the token, for example:

x-api-key: 7H3r3i5n05XXXn0NlYm47XXX

The API itself is available under



Use the following code to perform bulk update bids and campaign activation.

GraphQL Query

mutation campaignBulkBidsManage(
  $offerCmsId: ID!,
$offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList: [OfferCampaignBulkUpdateBidItemInput!]! ) { offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids( input: { offerCmsId: $offerCmsId, bidsList: $bidsList } ) { errors } }

GraphQL Variables

	"offerCmsId": "12",        "offerEnabled":true,
	"bidsList": [
              "applicationId": "5",
              "bid": "1.1",
              "countryCode": "DE",
              "dailyBudget": "2.3"
          }, {
              "bid": "3.14"
  • offerCmsId (required) This is an Campaign ID in the old “CMS” format. You can see it on the ACP Edge Dashboard interface, next to the campaign name. Alternatively, you can use one of the many campaign queries and include the cmsId field to get it back in the response (see the "Query offer" section below).


  • offerEnabled(optional, boolean) - If set to true it enables an offer, if set to false it disables it. If not provided, offer status is not changed.
  • bidsList (required, array) - An array of bids which can be updated in bulk. Every element of the array can contain up to four options. Two of them are used to filter matching bids, two others - to set desired parameters. All elements are matched against top offerCmsId.  This meaning that a bulk update can be used for one campaign only, per request.
    List item options are:
  • applicationId (Optional, string) - Filtering Option. Only applications with a given “CMS” ID are used for bulk updates. You can find this ID on the ACP Edge Dashboard interface, next to application name (Micro Bidding panel).
  • SupplyApplicationsList Query and include the cmsId field to get it back in the response.       mceclip6.png
  • countryCode (Optional, string) - Filtering option. ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 (two letters) compatible country code. Only bids set for this country are updated. You can see the country ISO code for any country by calling a CountriesList query.
  • bid (Optional, string) - Setter option. The bid value which is set for all matching applications and/or country codes or the top level offer. This field be can be set in a two ways:
  • As a string representing float value (i.e. "2.71"), by setting a bid to that value
  • As a word "default", which means using a default value for the country (which can be a default value for an offer)
  • dailyBudget (Optional, string) - Setter option. Daily budget which is set on a matching offer or country. This field can be set in a two ways:
  • As a string representing float value (i.e. "2.71"), or
  • As a word "default", which means to use default value for the country or application


To ensure data integrity remains intact, a few validation of bidsList element are performed, before any destructive action takes place:

  • Either bid or dailyBudget has to be set specifically for application or can be set both for offer/countries
  • A bid cannot be set to "default" when no countryCode is set
  • A dailyBudget cannot be set alongside with applicationId
  • An applicationId cannot be set without countryCode
  • A countryCode must be targeted by an offer campaign associated with offerCmsId
  • An applicationId must be targeted by an offer campaign associated with offerCmsId
  • A dailyBudget cannot be set for both offer campaign and country code (it also applies, if the offer already has a daily budget configured).



POST /graphql HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Key: 7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX
Host: acp-edge-api.fyber.com
Content-Length: 399

{"query":"mutation campaignBulkBidsManage($offerCmsId: ID!,
$offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList:
{\n offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId:
$offerCmsId, offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList: $bidsList})
{\n errors\n }\n}\n","variables":{"offerCmsId":"12",


curl --request POST \
--url https://acp-edge-api.fyber.com/graphql \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: 7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX' \
--data '{"query":"mutation campaignBulkBidsManage($offerCmsId: ID!,
$offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList:
{\n offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId: $offerCmsId,
offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList: $bidsList})
{\n errors\n }\n}\n","variables":{"offerCmsId":"12",


package main

import (

func main() {
	url := "https://acp-edge-api.fyber.com/graphql"

campaignBulkBidsManage($offerCmsId: ID!, $offerEnabled:
Boolean, $bidsList: [OfferCampaignBulkUpdateBidItemInput!]!)
{\\n  offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId:
$offerCmsId, offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList: $bidsList})
{\\n    errors\\n  }\\n}\\n","variables":{"offerCmsId":"12",
"campaignBulkBidsManage"}`) req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, payload) req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") req.Header.Add("x-api-key", "7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX") res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) defer res.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) fmt.Println(res) fmt.Println(string(body)) }


HttpResponse<String> response =
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("x-api-key", "7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX")
.body("{\"query\":\"mutation campaignBulkBidsManage
($offerCmsId: ID!, $offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList:
{\\n offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId:
$offerCmsId, offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList:
$bidsList}) {\\n errors\\n }\\n}\\n\",\"variables\":{\


const http = require("http");

const options = {
  "method": "POST",
  "hostname": "acp-edge-api.fyber.com",
  "path": "/graphql",
  "headers": {
	"Content-Type": "application/json",
	"x-api-key": "7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX"

const req = http.request(options, function (res) {
  const chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function () {
	const body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

req.write("{\"query\":\"mutation campaignBulkBidsManage($offerCmsId: 
ID!, $offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList:
{\\n offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId:
$offerCmsId, offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList: $bidsList}) {
\\n errors\\n }\\n}\\n\",\"variables\":{\"offerCmsId\":\"12\",\


require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI('https://acp-edge-api.fyber.com/graphql')

http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)

request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
request['x-api-key'] = ‘7H3r3i5n05P00n0NlYm47RIX’
request.body = '{"query":"mutation campaignBulkBidsManage($offerCmsId: 
ID!, $offerEnabled: Boolean, $bidsList:
{\n offerCampaignBulkUpdateBids(input: {offerCmsId: $offerCmsId,
offerEnabled: $offerEnabled, bidsList: $bidsList}) {\n errors\n
"operationName":\"campaignBulkBidsManage"}' response = http.request(request) puts response.read_body

Query Offer

In addition, you can run queries to receive attributes from an offer, as well as other related records. Below is an example:

GraphQL Query

query ($offerId: ID!, $offerCmsId: ID!) {
offerCampaign(id: $offerId, cmsId: $offerCmsId) {

fragment locationTargetingFields on OfferCampaign {
locationTargeting {

fragment countryGroupFields on OfferCampaign {
countryGroups {
capping {

fragment applicationBidFields on CountryGroup {
applicationBids {


Fragments are added only for brevity. The full GraphQL query, with all associations nested can also be used.

GraphQL Variables

"offerId": "1",
"offerCmsId": "1234"
  • cmsId (optional, required if id is not used) - This an offer ID in old “CMS” format. You can see it on the ACP Edge Dashboard interface, next to the offer name.
  • id (optional, required if cmsId is not used) - An offer ID. You can extract it from the edit/view offer URL. For example, for https://acp-edge.fyber.com/editOffer/1234 - 1234 is an id.


If both cmsId and id are given, an error is displayed.

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