Dynamic Payouts

Dynamic Payouts allow survey providers to offer variable rewards for completed surveys within a single session. DT adjusts payout amounts dynamically, which encourages users to complete multiple surveys and improves engagement and campaign performance.

Setting Up a Dynamic Payout Campaign

To create a Dynamic Payout Campaign:

  1. Create a new campaign.
  2. Select Survey Completion from the Campaign Type drop-down list.
  3. Select the Dynamic payout enabled checkbox in the Budget area.


  1. Enter the required values in the Budget and Campaign Customizations areas.


The default bid set or micro-bidding bids must equal the total sum of the Advertiser's commission (their full payout).

  1. Click Next
    The Tracking tab appears.
  2. Copy the URL from the Postback URL Template field and incorporate it into your tracking provider, as described in Generating and Implementing the Session Token (CPID)



Dynamic Payouts allow the Advertiser to manage all surveys within a single campaign. You can include additional countries in the Location Targeting area on the Targeting tab and use Micro Bidding to adjust your bids 

The survey language updates automatically with the [[CountryCode]] macro when you enable localization.

Generating and Implementing the Session Token (CPID)

The CPID (Conversion Postback ID) is a unique token that securely tracks survey completions in web campaigns. The CPID combines unique identifiers, applies a secure hash, and transmits the values through a postback URL.
Follow these steps and refer to the required values to implement the CPID:

  1. Navigate to Account→Security Tokens and copy the Dynamic Payout Token in the DT ACP Edge Console.


  1. Concatenate the ClickID and the Nonce.
    Ensure the ClickID appears first in the concatenation, followed by the Nonce.
  2. Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 hash hexdigest of ClickID+Nonce, using the Dynamic Payout Token as the HMAC secret.
  3. Use the hashed output as your CPID.
  4. Send the ClickID, Nonce and the CPID parameters in the Postback URL callback.

CPID Values

Value Description Postback Field
ClickID Identifies the user's action or click event. subid=
Dynamic Payout 32 bytes of random data, hex-encoded. Not included in the URL
Nonce A random value generated uniquely for each request. nonce=

Ruby Example for Session Token

Step 1: DT creates the Dynamic Payout Token.

require 'securerandom'
advertiser_secret = SecureRandom.hex(32)

Step 2: The Advertiser creates a CPID.

#nonce can be created however you choose provided it's url safe
nonce = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(48)
require 'openssl' cpid = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest( OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), advertiser_secret, "#{click_id}#{nonce}" )

Step 3: Send ClickID, Nonce, and CPID as part of the callback.

uri = URI(
   "#{FYBER_URI}/actions/v2?#{query_params}" \
   "&subid=#{click_id}" \
   "&nonce=#{nonce}" \

Country Code Macro

Campaigns automatically translate based on the device's language and country code. For example, if geo=US (country code) and lanuage=ES (device language), the campaign and its description appear in Spanish (or the relevant language).

Use the [[CountryCode]] macro in your Click URL to include the country code and dynamically determine the campaign language on your platform or system.

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