Follow the progress bar to set up DT Offer Wall. Once you complete each step, move to the next tab.
Open Your DT Account
- Go to the DT Sign Up page.
- Enter the account details.
- Click Confirm.
After signing up for a DT account, DT sends an application form for you to complete and return. DT handles each account application individually and usually responds within two business days. If you have not received follow-up communication regarding your application, please check your spam before e-mailing DT to inquire about your application status. Once your application is finalized, DT activates your account, and you can proceed to sign in to the DT Console.
Sign in to the DT Console
- Go to the DT Console, and enter your account credentials.
- Click Sign In.
Next, add your app to the DT Console.
Adding an App
Once you have successfully logged in to the DT Console, begin adding your apps to DT Offer Wall.
To add an app for Offer Wall:
- From the DT Console, go to Monetization → Offer Wall.
- From the Applications tab, click Add App.
The Add Application window appears.
Specify App Details
- Select the platform that your app uses.
You cannot change this selection once you add the app. To change the platform, create a new app and select the correct platform.
- In the Name field, enter the name of your app. We recommend providing a name that is easily distinguishable if you intend to add more than one app.
- If your app is live in either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, enter the store URL for your app. DT uses this URL to retrieve the app icon for use in the DT Console.
- If your app is not live in an app store yet, check the This app is not in the app store check box.
- Click Next.
Specify Virtual Currencies
Add the virtual currency with which you reward users.
To specify a virtual currency:
- In the Name field, enter a name for your virtual currency.
The Currency ID field automatically populates.
- To upload an icon for the virtual currency, click .
- Click Next.
Add Default Placement Settings
DT applies the Default Placement Settings specified on this screen whenever you add a new placement. When creating a new placement, you can change any of these default settings for the new placement. Or, for more information about how to change these default settings to apply to all future placements, see Modifying App Settings.
To specify default placement settings:
- Select a Placement Status:
Whenever you create a placement, it is not live and does not receive traffic. Additionally, Offer Wall reports do not include inactive placements. ACTIVE
Whenever you create a placement, it is immediately live and is able to receive traffic. Additionally, Offer Wall reports include only active placements.
- In the Exchange rate field, enter the exchange rate between the virtual currency and 1 dollar of the currency you have set in your account settings. For example, if an account is set to use USD, 100 diamonds may equal 1 USD.
- Because the exchange rate may result in partial virtual currency rewards, and rewards can only be given in whole numbers of virtual currency, DT recommends selecting the option to Round up low rewards to 1 unit of virtual currency. This results in a better user experience.
- Click Save.
DT adds the new app inTESTING
status by default. This status excludes data for the newly created app from Offer Wall Reporting. The app is otherwise operational and viewable in the DT Console.
You have finished creating your app. Note that you can easily copy the App ID generated by DT at any time from the app DT Console.
Now that you added an app to the console, the next step is to create placements.
Creating Placements
A placement refers to a location within your app where ads can be displayed. In the case of Offer Wall, this is a page in your app that displays a list of offers. You can add multiple placements within one app. For each placement, you can define a different look and feel for each placement.
Configure all Offer Wall placements from the Placements tab for your app.
Before configuring a placement, ensure that you have configured a virtual currency. For more information about modifying your virtual currency, see Modifying App Settings.
- Select the app for which you want to create a placement.
- In the placement tab, you can:
- Edit the default placement that serves as the template for all future placements.
- Configure new placements.
Configure a Placement
- Click Add Placement.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the new placement.
- Select one of the following placement statuses:
- Inactive: The placement is created but does not receive traffic and is excluded from reports.
- Active: The placement is created and receives traffic. Additionally, reporting is available for the placement.
- From the Virtual Currency drop-down, select the currency that the user will be offered on this placement's Offer Wall.
- In the Exchange rate per country area, enter the exchange rate for the placement, e.g., 1 USD = 100 diamonds.
- To apply a specific exchange rate by country, click Add Entry.
To apply the same exchange rate to multiple countries, select the countries, and enter the exchange rate.
UI Customization
UI Customization allows you to customize the look of your placement by specifying custom colors for the tags, buttons, and banner. You can also upload your own banner instead of using the default DT banner.
- Select a color for the tag, button, and button text color.
The preview shows the color selections.
The button color is also the color for the menu and top banner.
- Alternatively, you can upload a custom banner that overrides the native DT banner.
For help creating a custom banner, use the Offer Wall Banner Template (PSD file). The template contains design instructions on how to format a custom banner. Once you have exported the banners, upload them to your placement.
- Click Create.
Editing Placement Settings
To edit the placement settings, click the three dots located on the right of the placement.
Choosing Your Rewarding Strategy
To reward users with virtual currency, either use server-side rewarding or DT's Virtual Currency Server (VCS). For more information about how to set up rewards, see Rewarding Your Users.
Virtual Currency Sales
A Virtual Currency Sale is a limited time promotional event in which the end user receives higher rewards when completing existing offers. A promotional skin is applied to the selected placement for the duration of the sale event.
To set a Virtual Currency Sale period:
- On the Virtual Currency Sales tab, click Add VCS.
- From the Placement drop-down, select the placements for which you wish to apply the sale.
- Enter reward multiplier. During the sale period, rewards are multiplied by this multiplier.
- Select the start and end dates and times for the sale period.
- Click Save.
To edit the sale settings, click the three dots located on the right of the placement.
Modifying App Settings
To modify app settings, click the Settings tab in the Offer Wall dashboard.You can modify the following app settings:
General Parameters
This section allows you to modify the basic app information from the initial app setup via the App Creation Wizard.
Name | The name of your app in the DT dashboard. |
This app is not in the App Store | An indicator that your app is currently not in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. |
Refresh app from App Store | Select the checkbox to have DT automatically update the icon and name when you update them in the store. |
URL | The URL of your app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. DT uses this URL to synchronize the Offer Wall dashboard with your app name and icon as they are presented in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. |
Status |
Inactive: Placement is created but does not actively receive traffic. Testing: Placement receives test offers so that you can test your integration, callbacks, and user flow. Data is not available for placements in this status. Active: Placement is live and receives traffic. Data is shown in the reports. |
SDK Configuration
In this section, you can find the DT-generated Token and App ID for use with the Offer Wall SDK.
Requesting an Offer Wall
For more information about integrating the Offer Wall SDK, see SDK Integration.
Virtual Currencies
This section allows you to manage the virtual currencies for your app.
Name | You may change the name at any time. This name is displayed to Offer Wall, as well as within the DT Console. |
ID | The Currency ID is generated automatically, and you may not change the ID after saving the currency. |
Currency Icon | Upload an image of your virtual currency. This image is displayed in Offer Wall. |
Default | Only one virtual currency may be set as the default currency for the app. VCS requests the default currency unless you specify otherwise. |
Reward Handling
In this section, you can change the settings for your rewarding mechanism. There are two options for rewarding the users with virtual currency. You must choose one of the two options: Use Fyber Virtual Currency Server (VCS) or Receive server-side callbacks. For more details on reward handling, see Rewarding Your Users.
Use DT Virtual Currency Server | Your app uses DT's Virtual Currency Server (VCS) for delivering user rewards. VCS is the default rewarding option in the dashboard. Rewards are stored in DT's VCS, and you must make a request through a virtual currency callback (via the Offer Wall SDK) to give the reward to your user. |
Receive server-side callbacks |
Your app uses server-side callbacks for delivering user rewards. All rewards are sent immediately to your server using a configuredCallback URL . Your server must then process the reward for your user. |
Callback URL | The URL DT calls when delivering rewards via server-side callback. All appropriate parameters are added and populated when calling the URL. |
Security token | The security token DT uses to populate the sid parameter in the callback to sign the callback. |
Testing Callbacks
To aid in testing your server-side rewarding setup, you can have DT send a callback to your configured Callback URL
in the same way that we do for an actual user reward.
Custom parameters (pub0
… pub9
) are included in the callback since they must be sent along from your integration in the request.
To send a test reward callback:
- Click Test Callbacks.
The Test Server-side Callback window appears.
- In the Reward field, enter a reward amount to test.
- In the Virtual Currency drop-down, select the virtual currency you want to test.
- Click Send Callback.