Digital Turbine and DV360

Digital Turbine runs a unique integration with Google’s DV360 bidder. This allows DV360 to participate in Digital Turbine's programmatic auction, while still rendering their ads on the Google SDK.

With this direct integration between Digital Turbine and DV360, you can easily access the fastest growing mobile exchange in the market.  In just a few clicks, you can tap into high-quality, relevant mobile app inventory.  

Enabling Digital Turbine in My DV360 Account

In the Advertiser view:

  1. Access the partner level account here.
  2. Once you have logged in, go to  Partner Settings→Basic Details.
  3. Scroll down to the Exchanges section.
  4. Select the Exchange that is moving to a direct integration.
  5. Select the Digital Turbine checkbox.
  6. Click Save to complete the process.



  • App mediation is separate from the Digital Turbine's Exchange. Please reach out to your DT representative if you have any questions regarding app mediation.
  • This is performed by an Admin account and the change is in real time. Both Admin and Standard users can edit exchanges (user roles are described in Display & Video 360 documentation).
  • Digital Turbine is listed as a direct exchange partner when setting up individual campaigns.

What's the Value?

Set out below are some of the advantages of activating DT's inventory within DV360.

  • Scale campaigns
    Direct supply access to 100% SDK direct inventory at its full scale (25 B auctions / 130 uniques) of our premium mobile app gaming inventory.
  • More Control
    Better controls of targeting and impressions available without the need for additional filtering of your key audience.
  • Better Quality
    The integration renders both the latest innovations coming from DT's SDK and supporting Google’s SDK.  This allows you to seamlessly enable the targeting that is best for viewability, brand safety and app attribution through self-reported signals. This helps validate supply from the Google publisher community and drive better performance.

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