Integrating Banner/MREC Ads
Integrating an Ad Placement allows you to integrate different ad types into your SDK. Each option is detailed in the tabs above.
Follow the steps below to integrate Banner/MREC ads into your SDK.
Step 1: Adding the Ad Placement
Add the Ad Placement integration for the display
as well as the Adview Controller
// Spot integration for display square
InneractiveAdSpot mSpot = InneractiveAdSpotManager.get().createSpot();
// Adding the adview controller
InneractiveAdViewUnitController controller = new
Step 2: Making the Ad Request
The request and display steps are separate for the Ad Placement. It's time to set up the ad request.
InneractiveAdRequest adRequest = new
// To perform the ad request
Step 2a: Listening to Request Events
The following example illustrates how a RequestListener is used:
InneractiveAdSpot.RequestListener mSpotListener = new
// When the ad request sends successfully.
public void onInneractiveSuccessfulAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
// When the ad request fails to send.
public void onInneractiveFailedAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot, InneractiveErrorCode inneractiveErrorCode) {
Step 3: Displaying the Ad
Once you've set up the request, it's time to set up displaying the ad.
Step 3a: Define Your Ad Layout
Use the code in your XML layout to define your ad layout.
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Step 3b: Setting-Up Displaying an Ad
After a successful Ad Request, use the code below for Setting Up Displaying the Ad.
// Check if we have ad content
if (mSpot.isReady()) {
// Getting the spot's controller
InneractiveAdViewUnitController controller = (InneractiveAdViewUnitController)mSpot.getSelectedUnitController();
// Getting the ad view container
ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup)findViewById(;
// Showing the ad
Step 4: Listening to the Events
In addition, it shows how to add an event listener properly for receiving Banner/MREC ad callbacks.
controller.setEventsListener(new InneractiveAdViewEventsListener() {
public void onAdImpression(InneractiveAdSpot adSpot) {
Log.i(TAG, "onAdImpression");
public void onAdClicked(InneractiveAdSpot adSpot) {
Log.i(TAG, "onAdClicked");
public void onAdWillCloseInternalBrowser(InneractiveAdSpot adSpot) {
Log.i(TAG, "onAdWillCloseInternalBrowser");
public void onAdWillOpenExternalApp(InneractiveAdSpot adSpot) {
Log.i(TAG, "onAdWillOpenExternalApp");
@Override //Since VAMP 7.2.0
public void onAdEnteredErrorState(InneractiveAdSpot adSpot, AdDisplayError error) {
Log.i(TAG, "onAdEnteredErrorState");
onAdEnteredErrorState Starting from Android DT Exchange SDK version 7.5.4, this callback is also invoked in cases where the WebView renderer process has crashed. In such cases, the instance of the AdDisplayError appears as WebViewRendererProcessHasGoneError
. If this error was triggered for a banner/mrec, we recommend to destroy the banner/mrec and request a new one. No additional steps are required for interstitial ad units.
You have now completed the process of adding your Ad Placement!
Releasing an Ad Placement
Click here for details of how to release an Ad Placement.
Integrating Interstitial Ads
Follow the steps below to integrate Interstitial ads into your SDK.
Step 1: Building the Ad Spot
Setting Up Your Ad Placement (previously known as Ad Spot)
// Spot integration for fullscreen ad
InneractiveAdSpot mSpot =
// Adding the fullscreen controller
InneractiveFullscreenUnitController controller = new
// Adding the video fullscreen controller
videoContentController = new
// Adding the video fullscreen controller to the adview controller
Step 2: Make the Ad Request
The request and display steps are separate for the Ad Placement.
Setting Up Your Ad Request
InneractiveAdRequest adRequest = new
// To perform the ad request
Muting Interstitial Ads
Step 2a: Listening to Request Events
The following example illustrates how a RequestListener is used.
InneractiveAdSpot.RequestListener mSpotListener = new InneractiveAdSpot.RequestListener()
// When the ad request sends successfully
public void onInneractiveSuccessfulAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
// When the ad request fails to send
public void onInneractiveFailedAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot, InneractiveErrorCode inneractiveErrorCode) {
Step 3: Displaying the Ad
Once you've set up the request, it's time to set up displaying the ad.
// Checking if we have ad content
if (mSpot.isReady()) {
// Getting the spot's controller
InneractiveFullscreenUnitController controller =
// Showing the ad using the Activity's context;
Step 4: Listening to the Event
The following example demonstrates how an EventListener should be used properly for receiving Interstitial ad callbacks.
Step 4a: Listening to the Events
controller.setEventsListener(new InneractiveFullscreenAdEventsListener() {
public void onAdImpression(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdClicked(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdWillOpenExternalApp(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdEnteredErrorState(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot, InneractiveUnitController.AdDisplayError adDisplayError) {
public void onAdWillCloseInternalBrowser(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdDismissed(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
Step 4b: Listening to the Video Events
VideoContentListener() {
public void onProgress(int totalDurationInMsec, int positionInMsec) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onPlayerError() {
* Note: onPlayerError callback method is deprecated starting from VAMP v7.3.0,
and won't be trigged when an error is occurred.
* Note: The SDK handles such errors internally and no further action is required.
You have now completed the process of adding your Interstitial ad Placement.
Releasing an Ad Placement
Click here for details of how to release an Ad Placement.
Integrating Rewarded Ads
Follow the steps below to integrate Rewarded Ads into your SDK:
Step 1: Building the Ad Placement
Setting Up Your Ad Placement (previously known as Ad Spot)
// Spot integration for Rewarded Ads
InneractiveAdSpot mSpot = InneractiveAdSpotManager.get().createSpot();
// Adding the adview controller
InneractiveFullscreenUnitController controller = new
// Adding the Video adview controller
videoContentController = new
Step 2: Make the Ad Request
The request and display steps are separate for the Ad Placement.
Setting Up Your Ad Request
InneractiveAdRequest adRequest = new
// When ready to perform the ad request
Muting Rewarded Ads
Step 2a: Setting up Listening Events
The following example illustrates how a RequestListener should be used.
InneractiveAdSpot.RequestListener mSpotListener = new
//when the ad request sends successfully.
public void onInneractiveSuccessfulAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onInneractiveFailedAdRequest(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot, InneractiveErrorCode inneractiveErrorCode) {
Step 3: Displaying the Ad
Once you've set up the request, it's time to set-up displaying the ad.
Setting Up Displaying Your Ad
// Check if we have ad content
if (mSpot.isReady()) {
// Get the spot's controller
InneractiveFullscreenUnitController controller =
// Show the ad using the Activity's context;
Step 4: Listening to the Event
Use the following code example below for receiving Rewarded ads callbacks.
Step 4a: Listening to the Events
controller.setEventsListener(new InneractiveFullscreenAdEventsListener() {
public void onAdImpression(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdClicked(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdWillOpenExternalApp(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdEnteredErrorState(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot, InneractiveUnitController.AdDisplayError adDisplayError) {
public void onAdWillCloseInternalBrowser(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
public void onAdDismissed(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
Step 4b: Listening to the Video Events
videoContentController.setEventsListener(new VideoContentListener() {
public void onProgress(int totalDurationInMsec, int positionInMsec) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onPlayerError() {
* Note: onPlayerError callback method is deprecated starting from Marketplace v7.3.0,
and won't be trigged when an error is occurred.
* Note: The SDK handles such errors internally and no further action is required.
Step 4c: Listening to the Rewarded Events
The InneractiveFullScreenAdRewardedListener
can be optionally used to receive Rewarded Ad callbacks.
controller.setRewardedListener(new InneractiveFullScreenAdRewardedListener() {
public void onAdRewarded(InneractiveAdSpot inneractiveAdSpot) {
Releasing an Ad Placement
Click here for details of how to release an Ad Placement.