This report is intended for Advertisers using DT Offer Wall.
The DT Offer Wall Report is an analytic reporting tool, based on the millions of events generated from DT Offer Wall each day. It allows advertisers and publishers to track and improve performance by filtering and splitting data with over 40 different metrics and dimensions.
DT Offer Wall Report offers two different views:
- Every action/revenue metric, is attributed to the time of the click and impression. This view allows a clear understanding of how your manipulations to bid/targeting/offer creatives, impact the performance of your campaigns.
- Every action/revenue metric, is attributed to the time it happened. This view allows a clear understanding of the periodical revenues, conversions and other events, as they happened.
For full instructions of the functionality available to you with Digital Turbine's Dynamic Reporting, click here.
DT Offer Wall Report Dimensions
Set out below are the groups and the dimensions contained within them, relevant to the DT Offer Wall Report.
Group | Dimension | Description |
Date / Time | Date | Day Level Only |
Delivery | Offer Actual Position | The actual displayed positing of the offer in the container when it was presented |
Demand | Affiliate Network Name | Legacy offer aggregators |
Campaign ID | The campaign / offer ID as defined by in the DT system | |
Campaign Name | The campaign / offer name (string) as defined by the Advertiser in ACP Edge | |
Campaign Title | The campaign / offer title as presented to the user in the DT Offer Wall | |
Campaign Type | [CPI / CPE / CPA] | |
Demand ID | Advertiser’s ID as defined in DT's systems | |
Demand Name | Advertiser’s name | |
Dynamic Payout Enabled | [Yes / No] | |
Offer Task Type |
Program ID | Advertiser’s app identifier as defined in DT's systems | |
Program Name | Advertiser’s app name as defined in DT's systems | |
Action ID | The name of the SDK event returned in the postback from attribution providers. | |
Device | Device Manufacturer | Device manufacturer of the device on which an event occurred |
Device OS | Device OS of the device on which the event occurred (Android/iOS) | |
Device OS Version | Device OS version on which the event occurred | |
Engagement | Offer Completion Range | [up to 1 min, 1 -5 min, 5-20 min, 20 min to 1 hour, 1 - 3 hours, 3 - 10 hours, 10 - 24 hours, 1 - 3 days, 3 - 7 days, 7 - 14, 14 and up] |
Inventory | App Store Name | Publisher's app name as defined in the app stores |
City | The city in which the event occurred | |
Country | The country in which the event occurred | |
DT Publisher App ID | Publisher’s app identifier as defined in the DT system | |
DT Publisher App Name | Publisher’s app name as defined in the DT system | |
Integration Type | DT Offer Wall integration type (API / SDK) | |
Publisher Account Name | Publisher’s account name as defined in the DT system | |
Publisher App Bundle | Bundle ID from app store | |
Publisher App Store Category | Publisher’s app category information from app store | |
Publisher ID | Publisher’s ID as defined in the DT system | |
Micro Bidding | Country Group | The Country Group set at the campaign's micro bidding level |
System | Conversion Type | Organic or Customer Support Generated |
DT Offer Wall Report Metrics
Group Name | Metric | Description | Formula |
Delivery | Offer Avg. Position | The average position the Offer received for each container impression | |
Offer Impressions | Individual offer impression count | ||
Offer Unique Users | The count of an offer's unique impressions based on unique users | ||
Unique Offer Clicks | Unique users that clicked the offer | ||
Unique Offer Impressions | The count of distinct offers presented on DT Offer Wall | ||
Engagement | Conversions / Click Rate | Offer conversions to offer clicks ratio | Offer Conversions / Offer Clicks |
Conversions / Impressions Rate | Offer conversions to offer impressions ratio | Offer Conversions / Offer Impressions | |
Tickets / Click Rate | Offer ticket count to offer clicks ratio | Offer Ticket Count / Offer Clicks | |
Tickets / Conversions Rate | Offer ticket count to offer conversions ratio | Offer Ticket Count / Offer Conversions | |
Conversions/Installs Rate | Offer conversions to offer installs ratio |
Offer Conversions / Offer Installs |
Offer Clicks | Refers to the click that takes the user to the app store/landing page. | ||
Offer Completion Time | Average time to complete an offer |
Sum(time to convert) / Sum(conversions) |
Offer Conversions | Amount of conversions generated from offers | ||
Offer CTR | Offer clicks to impressions rate |
Offer click / Offer imp |
Offer Info Click | The initial click of the offer, which opens the offer info window. When using the DT Offer Wall API integration type, this will not be available | ||
Offer Info CTR | The ratio of offer clicks to the total offer impressions |
Offer info click / Offer impressions |
Offer Ticket Count | The number of reports per offer generated by users | ||
Revenue | Advertiser ARPDEU | Advertiser gross per offer unique daily engaged users | Sum(Advertiser_gross) / Sum(Offer Unique Users) |
Advertiser CPA Bid | Advertiser gross revenue per conversion | Sum (Advertiser_gross) / Sum(Conversions ) | |
Advertiser Offer eCPI | Advertiser gross revenues per installs | Sum (Advertiser_gross) / Sum(Offer Installs) | |
Advertiser Offer eCPM | Advertiser gross revenue per one thousand offer impressions |
Sum( Advertiser_gross) / Sum(offer impressions) *1000 |
Advertiser Spend | Advertiser gross spend | (Number of conversion * Advertiser CPA Bid) | |
Advertiser IAP Revenue | Total revenue generated from in-app purchases. Additional details can be found here. | Sum (Advertiser_gross) / Sum (Offer Installs) | |
Advertiser ROAS | Advertisers's ROI from marketing activity on DT. Additional details can be found here. | (Advertiser IAP Revenue)/(Advertiser Spend) | |
D3/D7/D30 ROAS | Accumulated revenue a cohort of users generated 3/7/30 days after the day of installation, which is referred to as D0, divided by advertiser spend for the chosen timeframe. Partial user data is also included. | (Total IAP Revenue 3/7/30 days post installation)/(Advertiser Spend) |