DT Exchange Publisher info.plist, iOS 14, SKAdNetwork Checklist


Digital Turbine has compiled a checklist of steps we recommend publishers take to prepare for the release of iOS 14 for compatibility with DT's SDK and app install attribution with Apple’s SKAdNetwork following an expected decrease in available IDFAs.

Step 1: Update SKAdNetwork IDs on your info.plist

To participate in app install tracking with Apple's SKAdNetwork, each one of your apps must include ad networks’ IDs on its Info.plist. This will ensure publisher payout is maximized on all of your inventory without IDFA.

Implement all of DT's recommended SKAdNetwork IDs available in DT's Github repository here

The Github repo is updated regularly, and we encourage taking the latest version before publishing a new app version to the App Store. Omitting an ID means preventing SKAdNetwork app install measurement for that entity buying on your inventory.

Step 2: Ensure all SKAdNetwork IDs are in lowercase on your info.plist

Per Apple’s specs, you must lowercase the ad network identifier string for installs to be tracked on your app. Uppercase SKAdNetwork IDs will fail.

Step 3: Update your SDK Version

  • DT Exchange SDK version 7.7.1 is the minimum required SDK version with SKAdNetwork 2.0 and Xcode 12 support
  • We recommend updating to the latest DT Exchange SDK version for additional contextual parameters capabilities and improved infrastructure
  • Refer to our iOS SDK Integration doc and iOS Changelog for instructions on integrating ATT and info.plist into your latest 
  • Download our SDKs from DT's UI or Cocoapods

Step 4: Release your new app version as soon as possible

Don’t wait until the last minute - release your new app version with the newest SKAdNetwork IDs from DT on your info.plist to give users time to upgrade. 

Note, the info.plist can be updated on every app version release without taking DT's latest SDK. 

Step 5: Unify your own Developer User IDs to represent users across apps

While buyers are expected to use IDFV for frequency capping, DT recommends having an available fallback based on the publisher’s own user identifiers. For more information, click here.


Should I start using the permission-to-track pop up?
  • If requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler:) is called, an app-tracking authorization request will be presented to the end user, and they will be able to disable tracking and the IDFA will be zeroed.
  • In order to maximize Q4 revenue, we discourage publishers from showing the permission-to-track pop up, so that access to IDFA is maximized.
Is IDFV access impacted by Apple’s September 3rd announcement?
  • The ID for Vendors is always accessible to DT Exchange SDK. No special publisher configurations are needed to collect this data.
Does Apple’s deprecation of the isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled property impact DT's ability to collect IDFA, since isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled always returns ‘no’ under iOS 14?
There is no impact on DT Exchange SDK’s ability to collect the IDFA. Please note, if a user enabled Limited Ad Tracking in pre-iOS 14, the IDFA will be zeroed out until user authorization is given.
Should I still implement SKAdNetwork ID’s in my apps info.plists even though consent to track was delayed by Apple?
Yes. We encourage all publishers to implement DT's complete info.plist recommendation in your next app version release. Marketers are actively testing and implementing SKAdNetwork in Q3 2020 and usage is expected to be fully ramped up by Q4 2020. Your participation in the testing and implementation process is fundamental to enable privacy-aware app install tracking.
Where can I find your latest SKAdNetwork ID list and when was it last updated?
DT's recommended list of SKAdNetwork ad network_ids is available in DT's Github repository.
Each network_ids must be included on each app’s info.plist - so all DT buyers can continue to spend on your inventory. The repo was last updated on Sunday, October 4, 2020.

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