Tracking URLs capture click data from the DT platform and send it to your tracking platform. These URLs use macros to dynamically insert key details such as campaign name, user ID, and device information.
Inserting Macros into Your Tracking URLs
To track transactions effectively, include the appropriate macro for each required data point in the corresponding parameter or token. If you're unsure which data points to include, consult your tracking platform for specific requirements.
Digital Turbine integrates with many tracking platforms. Check with your platform if they provide a DT-compliant tracking URL with the required parameters and macros.
Make sure to replace the generic Click URL macro placeholder with the proper key name.
If you prefer to create your tracking URL, use the information below as a guide. For example:[[DeviceId]]&click_time=[[Timestamp]]*
The following DT macros are available for use in tracking URLs, allowing you to insert specific data points into your campaigns dynamically:
[[UserId]] |
DT User ID |
[[User_Id]] |
Publisher User ID |
[[AppId]] |
DT Application ID |
[[AppBundleName]] |
App name taken from the URL |
[[AppName]] |
DT underscored Application Name |
[[AppIdUid]] |
DT Application ID + Publisher User ID |
[[SubId]] |
SubID (not including hyphens) |
[[PublisherAppCategory]] |
Publisher's App's Primary Category |
[[PublisherId]] |
DT Publisher ID |
[[PublisherName]] |
Publisher Name |
[[VirtualCurrencyName]] |
Name of the virtual currency |
[[VirtualCurrencyExchangeRate]] |
Number of units of virtual currency per USD |
[[AppleIdfa]] |
Apple ID for Advertising of the User |
[[Apple-Idfa]] |
Apple ID for Advertising of the User (with dashes) |
[[GAID]] |
Google Advertising ID (without hyphens) |
[[GA-ID]] |
Google Advertising ID (with hyphens) |
[[Adv-Id]] |
Apple or Google Advertising ID of the User (including hyphens) |
[[ContentPageUrl]] |
Encoded URL of the page from which the request was made |
[[IP]] |
The user's IP address |
[[Random]] |
A random positive-only 32-bit integer number |
[[Timestamp]] |
ISO 8601 UTC-based timestamp, for example, 2011-10-26T10:21Z |
[[CountryCode]] |
User's country code |
[[CountryGroupName]] |
Name of micro bidding country group user belongs to |
[[LanguageCode]] |
TOC language code |
[[LandingPageId]] |
Campaign ID |
[[Host]] |
Publisher hostname |
[[RefererPath]] |
Location Pathname |
[[TimezoneOffset]] |
GMT offset in minutes |
[[OfwRank]] |
Position of the ad in Offer Wall |
[[GDPRPrivacyConsent]] |
GDPR User Consent value |
[[CampaignName]] |
The title of the campaign |
[[DeviceId]] |
A unique identifier for a specific mobile device |
Ensures a fresh call to the ad server every time the code executes |
[[LocaleCode]] |
Language country code |
[[ProgramUrl]] |
Click URL configured in the landing page |
[[VirtualCurrency]] |
The currency within the app |
[[AppStoreId]] |
App ID in the Google or App Store |
[[PubAppStoreId]] |
App bundle ID |
[[UserAgent]] |
String identifying the device or OS, including vendor and version |
[[LimitedAdTracking]] |
Indicates if a user has opted in or out of being targeted using the device ID |
[[COPPA]] |
Flags child-directed content |
[[ConnectionType]] |
WiFi or network |
[[BlockedCategories]] |
Categories blocked by the publisher of the app |
[[AppStoreURL]] |
URL to download the app in the Google or Play Store |
[[ScreenHeight]] |
User's screen height |
[[ScreenWidth]] |
User's screen width |
[[AppStoreName]] |
Name of the app in the Google or Play Store |
[[BidType]] |
The type of payment for a conversion (CPI, CPE, etc.) |
[[Currency]] |
Bid currency, either USD or Euro |
[[BidValue]] |
The numeric value of the bid |
[[BidSplitValues]] |
Concatenated list of bids (in USD) |
[[ActionIds]] |
Concatenated list of action IDs |
[[DeviceModel]] |
The model name of the device |
[[CreativeSetName]] |
Name of the creative set used |
[[Device-Id]] |
Unique identifier for a specific mobile device (including hyphens) |
[[DeviceOsVersion]] |
The user's mobile operating system version |
[[GAID_SHA1]] |
Hashed value of the Google Advertising ID |
[[IDFA_SHA1]] |
Hashed value of the Apple Advertising ID |
[[Sub-Id]] |
SubID (including hyphens) |
If the information you require is not listed, contact your Account Manager.