Supported Macros

Tracking URLs carry information about clicks from the DT platform to your tracking platform using a combination of values and macros.

This section provides guidelines on how to set up your tracking URLs to pass information to your tracking platform. At the bottom, you can find reference tables of all the available macros.

Inserting Macros into your Tracking URLs

To properly track transactions specific information is required, insert the macro for that data in the corresponding parameter/token. If you aren't sure what kind of information you must pass, check with your tracking platform.

Digital Turbine works with many tracking platforms, so check with your platform to see if they can provide you with a DT compliant Tracking URL.

If this isn't possible or you have a proper solution for it you can use the information below to create your perfect Tracking URL, i.e:[[DeviceId]]&click_time=[[Timestamp]]*

The following DT macros can be used in Tracking URLs:

Macro Description
[[UserId]] DT User ID
[[User_Id]] Publisher User ID
[[AppId]] DT Application ID
[[AppBundleName]] App name taken from the URL
[[AppName]] DT underscored Application Name
[[AppIdUid]] DT Application ID + Publisher User ID
[[SubId]] SubID (not including hyphens)
[[PublisherAppCategory]] Publisher's App's Primary Category
[[PublisherId]] DT Publisher ID
[[PublisherName]] Publisher Name
[[VirtualCurrencyName]] Name of the virtual currency
[[VirtualCurrencyExchangeRate]] Number of units of virtual currency per USD
[[AppleIdfa]] Apple ID for Advertising of the User
[[Apple-Idfa]] Apple ID for Advertising of the User (with dashes)
[[GAID]] Goole Advertising ID (without hyphens)
[[GA-ID]] Google Advertising ID (with hyphens)
[[Adv-Id]] Apple or Google Advertising ID of the User (including hyphens)
[[ContentPageUrl]] Encoded URL of the page from which the request was made
[[IP]] The user's IP address
[[Random]] A random positive only 32-bit integer number
[[Timestamp]] ISO 8601 UTC-based timestamp
(ie. "2011-10-26T10:21Z")
[[CountryCode]] User's country code
[[CountryGroupName]] Name of micro bidding country group user belongs to
[[LanguageCode]] TOC language code
[[LandingPageId]] Campaign ID
[[Host]] Publisher hostname
[[RefererPath]] Location Pathname
[[TimezoneOffset]] GMT offset in minutes
[[OfwRank]] Position of the ad in Offer Wall
[[GDPRPrivacyConsent]] GDPR User Consent value
[[CampaignName]] The title of the campaign
[[DeviceId]] A unique identifier that is used to identify a single and specific mobile device
[[CACHEBUSTER]] Ensures that a fresh call is made to the ad server every time the code is executed
[[LocaleCode]] Language country code
[[ProgramUrl]] Click URL configured in the landing page
[[VirtualCurrency]] The currency within the app
[[AppStoreId]] App ID in the Google or App Store
[[PubAppStoreId]] App bundle ID
[[UserAgent]] String identifying the device or OS including vendor and version from which the user is running
[[LimitedAdTracking]] Indicated if a user has decided to opt in or out of being targeted using the device ID
[[COPPA]] Flags child-directed content
[[ConnectionType]] Wifi or network
[[BlockedCategories]] Categories blocked by the publisher of the app
[[AppStoreURL]] URL to download app in the Google or Play store
[[ScreenHeight]] User's screen height
[[ScreenWidth]] User's screen width
[[AppStoreName]] Name of the app in the Google or Play store
[[BidType]] The type of payment for a conversion (CPI, CPE etc.)
[[Currency]] Bid currency, either USD or Euro
[[BidValue]] The numeric value of the bid
[[BidSplitValues] Concatenated list of bids (in USD)
Concatenated list of action IDs
[[DeviceModel]] The model name of the device
[[CreativeSetName]] Name of the creative set used
[[Device-Id]] A unique identifier that can identify a single and specific mobile device (including hyphens)
[[DeviceOsVersion]] The user's mobile operating system version
[[GAID_SHA1]] Hashed values of ad identifier
[[IDFA_SHA1]] Hashed values of ad identifier
[[Sub-Id]] SubID (including hyphens)

If the information you require is not listed, contact your Account Manager.

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