Offer Wall REST API Integration

The Offer Wall REST API allows you to retrieve offers tailored to your users and their device specifications. Once users complete offer requirements, you can reward them with in-app virtual currency to increase user engagement.

To implement the Offer Wall REST API:

Step 1: Configure Your App for Offer Wall

Before you use the Offer Wall REST API, configure your app for Offer Wall in the DT Console:

  • Add your app as an Offer Wall app. For more information about adding an app for Offer Wall, see Adding Your App.
  • Configure the virtual currency for your app. For more information about configuring a virtual currency for your app, see Modifying App Settings.
  • Configure DT Placements for your app, and ensure they are active (Live status). For more information about creating placements for your app, see Creating Placements.

Step 2: Activate the Offer Wall REST API

To activate the Offer Wall REST API for your app, contact your DT Account Manager. Once the API is activated, your DT Account Manager sends you your API key. Use your API key to sign and validate requests and responses when using the Offer Wall REST API. If you need a new API key, contact your DT Account Manager.

Step 3: Send Requests for Offers

The following diagram provides an overview of the Offer Wall REST API connection sequence:

   actor Device User as Device User
  participant App as App
  participant Offer Wall as Offer Wall
  Device User ->>+ App: Tap "Offers"
  App ->>+ Offer Wall: GET /feeds/v1/offers
  Offer Wall -->>- App: List of Offers
  App ->> App: Display List of Offers
  opt If you want to get another page of offers
    App ->>+ Offer Wall: GET /feeds/v1/offers with {page} value
    Offer Wall -->>- App: List of Offers
    App ->> App: Display List of Offers
  Device User ->>+ App: Tap an option from List of Offers
  App ->>+ Offer Wall: GET show/fyber
  Offer Wall -->>- App: Offer Detail (with Offer URL)
  App ->> App: Display Offer Detail
    Device User ->>+ App: Tap Offer URL and complete Offer Requirement
(subscribe, sign up, purchase, etc.) Offer Wall ->>+ Offer Wall: Process offer completion by user Offer Wall ->>+ App: GET Reward Callback App ->>+ App: Reward User in Virtual Currency opt If Reward Unsuccessful loop up to 10 times App -->>+ Offer Wall: Reward Callback Response #8800; 200 OK Offer Wall ->>+ App: GET Reward Callback end end App -->>+ Offer Wall: Reward Callback Response = 200 OK

Offer Wall REST API Endpoints


Use the GET method and the feed/v1/offers endpoint to request a list of offers for your device user. The endpoint allows you to tailor offers to meet your user and device specifications. DT responds with a list of offers that you can surface to your user. Each offer includes a show/fyber request URL for you to surface additional details about an offer.


Use the GET method and the show/fyber endpoint to request details about a specific offer. DT provides this request URL in the response from the feed/v1/offers endpoint. The response to the show/fyber endpoint contains the offer requirements as well as the offer URL that the user must use to access the offer.

Step 4: Reward Your User

DT recommends using server-side rewarding with the Offer Wall REST API. For more details about how to set up server-side rewarding, see Server-Side Rewarding.

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