Demand Content Policy

This Demand Content Policy (“Policy”) sets forth standards that govern Digital Turbine's relationship with its advertisers, agencies, demand-side platforms (DSPs), ad networks, ad exchanges and any other entity bidding on inventory that goes through the DT Exchange (collectively, “Demand Partner(s)”).

We at Digital Turbine believe that establishing, publicly displaying, and obligating our advertising demand partners to adhere to and comply with this Policy is important to protect the trust and transparency between our company and Demand Partners.

All Demand Partners are expected to abide by this Policy and refrain from serving any advertisements via the DT Exchange in breach of this Policy. This Policy provides listing of prohibited advertisement content by Digital Turbine via its Ad Exchange and is by no means exhaustive and may not be inclusive of all objectionable advertising.

We recognize that this Policy cannot address every situation or issue that may arise in the course of doing business, especially given the pace of change within the advertising technology industry, in which we operate. Accordingly, we anticipate that this Policy will be revisited and updated from time to time. In particular, we will remain open to suggestions, criticism, and correction from our Demand Partners. Digital Turbine reserves the right, at any time, to require from its Demand Partners the removal of objectionable advertising. Digital Turbine may block and/or suspend, temporarily or permanently, any Demand Partner access to DT Exchange for non-compliance with this Policy. 

Prohibited Content & Creative Attributes

Demand Partners must not serve advertisements with the creative attributes or content listed below (the numbers reflect the attributes number under the OpenRTB 2.5 protocol).

Prohibited Creative Attributes

  • (3) Expandable (Automatic)
  • (8) Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)
  • (9) Provocative or Suggestive Imagery
  • Advertisement that includes auto-downloads, drive-by downloads without user initiation
  • Advertisements that redirects users without their initiation
  • Advertisements that contains any type of Malware

Digital Turbine will send the above limitations to its Demand Partners in a bid requests in the banner.battr/video.battr/native.battr, in accordance with the OpenRTB 2.5 protocol. Demand Partners must respect and comply with these specifications. 

Prohibited Ad Content

Demand Partners must not serve advertisements containing the content listed below:

  • Explicit or graphic violence (IAB25-2 Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence)
  • Adult/pornographic content (IAB25-3 Pornography)
  • Discriminating or offensive content (IAB25-4 Profane Content)
  • Hate content (IAB25-5 Hate Content)
  • Misleading/deceptive ads (IAB26-1 Illegal content)
  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia (IAB26-1 Illegal content)
  • Illegal products, activities, and services (IAB26-1 Illegal content)
  • Tobacco and tobacco accessories (IAB9-9 (Cigars));
  • Weapons and weapons accessories, firearms, ammunition & fireworks
  • (IAB26-1 Illegal content)
  • Software infringement, software piracy (IAB26-2 Warez)
  • Spyware, malware, viruses, phishing (IAB26-3)
  • P2P file sharing, torrent or infringing copyright (IAB26-4 Copyright Infringement)
  • Substance Abuse (IAB7-42)
  • Hunting/Shooting (IAB17-18)

Digital Turbine sends the above limitations to Demand Partners in the bid request in the bidrequest.bcat, in accordance with the OpenRTB 2.5 protocol. Demand Partners must respect and comply with these specifications.

Restricted Ad Content

Demand Partners may run advertisements that contain the following content, provided that they have appropriate controls to ensure that:

a. They comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the country and state in which advertisement is served. For convenience, Demand Partner may be assisted by Google countries restrictions list here.
b. They meet local licensing requirements for all products and services that are being promoted in advertisement they serve.
c. They respect and comply with the blocking requests of publishers and do not serve advertisement when they have actual knowledge that a certain advertisement category is unwanted by publisher.

  • Lotteries (IAB3-7 Government)
  • Pharmaceutical or health products and services (IAB7-5 Alternative Medicine)
  • Alcohol content (IAB8-5 Cocktails/Beer, IAB8-18 Wine)
  • Gambling (IAB9-7 Card Games)
  • Financial services (IAB13-1 Beginning Investing, IAB13-2 Credit/Debt & Loans, IAB13-4 Financial Planning, IAB13-5 Hedge Fund, IAB13-6 Insurance, IAB13-7 Investing, IAB 13-8 Mutual Funds, IAB13-9 Options, IAB13-10 Retirement Planning, IAB 13-11 Stocks)
  • Political campaigning content (IAB11-4 Politics)

Required Response Parameters

The Demand Partner must include the parameters listed below with every bid submitted to the Digital Turbine Ad Exchange:

  • adomain – the top-level domain of the advertiser’s landing page
  • cid – the Demand Partner’s campaign ID for the ad served
  • crid – the Demand Partner’s creative ID for the ad served
  • attr – the attribute/s of the ad served for block list checking
  • cat – the category of the ad served for block list checking

Content Enforcement Policy

Any violation of this Policy may result in the suspension or blocking of Demand Partner’s advertisement on the DT Exchange. Additionally, Digital Turbine reserves the right to block or terminate the violating Demand Partner’s account.

For more information or any questions concerning Digital Turbine's Ad Policy, please contact your DT Account Manager or

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