Meta Audience Network

This article is for publishers who want to use the DT FairBid SDK to load and display ads from Meta Audience Network.


Meta Audience Network supports bidding Instances only. 

Meta currently supports the following ad types:

  • Banner
  • Interstitial
  • Rewarded

To integrate Meta as a DT mediated network:

Step 1: Retrieve Meta parameters

Before retrieving Meta parameters, ensure that you have Meta ad inventory by completing the following tasks in your Meta dashboard:

  • Create a Meta Business Manager account.
  • Set up your Meta Audience Network with your app and placements.

To enable Meta as an Ad Network with DT, obtain the Placement IDs for the placements you want to offer through DT.

To retrieve your Placement ID:

  1. From the Meta App Dashboard, click Audience Network, and select your app.
    Your app details display along with a list of placements associated with your app.
  1. For each placement you want ot mediate with DT, click copy ID, and store these values in a text file. These values are required later in Step 2 to add Meta as a DT mediated network.

Meta Placement IDs

Step 2: Add Meta as a DT Mediated Network

Before you add Meta as a DT mediated network:

  • Ensure that you have access to parameters you retrieved from Meta in Step 1.
  • Add your app using the DT Console.
  • Ensure that you set up a DT Placement for each Meta ad type you want to mediate with DT.

To add Meta as a DT mediated network:

  1. Log in to the DT Console, and click App Management.
  1. Set up Meta bidder as a mediated network using the parameters you retrieved in Step 1.

Meta network for DT

  1. Create an ad network instance for each Meta Placement you want DT to mediate. Use the Meta Placement ID you retrieved in Step 1 as the Instance ID.

Step 3: Add the Meta Audience Network SDK to your Integration

To integrate the Meta Audience Network SDK, follow the instructions on the Supported Networks page.

Step 4: Test Your Integration

Use the DT Test Suite to verify that you have set up your app properly for FairBid mediation. The DT Test Suite is available for Android, iOS, and Unity apps. For more information about using the DT Test Suite, see Test Suite.

DT Test Suite screen showing app is ready for mediation

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