
This report is intended for use by Publishers.

The Auctions report provides a convenient way to track performance metrics such as revenue, number of impressions, number of clicks and more. It also enables you to perform in-depth analysis on your auction landscape and gather insights on the performance of the millions of transactions happening daily. The data shown in the Auctions report is based on aggregated data collected from the DT Exchange, it is updated on an hourly basis with data latency of approximately 3 hours. 


For full instructions of the functionality available to you with DT's Dynamic Reports, click here.

Auctions Report Dimensions

Set out below are the groups and the dimensions contained within them, relevant to the Auctions report.

Group Name Dimension Description
Date/Time - The date and time of the report
Deal ID The unique identifier string passed in the bid request to signal the presence of a PMP
Auction Type Description of whether the auction was First Price, Second Price or Fixed Price
Delivery SDK/Tag Version Version of the source SDK or JavaScript tag
SDK Renderer The renderer of the SDK
Mediation Platform Name The name of the mediation platform used by an app to mediate the DT Exchange SDK
Mediation SDK Version The SDK version of the mediation platform an app uses to mediate the DT Exchange SDK
Device Advertiser ID Availability Availability of Advertising ID (IDFA for iOS or AAID for Android) in the ad request
Device Lanugage The language of the operating system installed on the device
Device OS The mobile operating system on the device
Device OS - Version App's mobile operating system
DNT Indicates whether user has requested to not be tracked
Ignite Package Ignite application package name
Ignite Status Status of Ignite for the auction
Ignite Version The version of ignite

Ad Size The creative ad size as was defined by the advertiser
Ad Unit Type Type of ad unit container can be either video, display, video & display. The ad types available to an ad unit depend on the placement type you selected when creating it.

Display: An ad unit type that supports display only

Video: An ad unit type that supports video only

Video & Display: An ad unit type that supports video or display
App Bundle The unique identifier of an app in either Android or iOS<
App ID App identifier within DT's system
App Name The name of the app
Coppa Coppa compliance of the app
Interstitial Skipability Indicates for interstitial placements whether the publisher requested only skippable ads, only non-skippable ads or both
Placement ID Placement identifier in DT's system
Placement Name A name given by a publisher to a placement they created on DT
Placement Type

Placement type describes how ads will look in the app and where ads will be located. Optional placement types can be either banner, interstitial or rewarded.

Banner: A basic placement type that appears at the top or bottom of the device's screen. Doesn't' support video content.*

Rewarded: An ad placement type that supports incentivized video content.

Interstitial: Full-page ads appear at natural breaks & transitions, such as level completion. Supports video content.

*MREC ads are displayed under the Banner Placement Type. We recommend searching for data on MREC placements via the Placement Name split. 
Product Line Either DT FairBid or DT Exchange
SKAdNetwork Eligible SKAdNetwork Eligible=Yes when DT has sent an eligible SKAdNetwork version to the buyer in the bid request. If no SKAdNetwork version was sent in the bid request, SKAdNetwork Eligible=No.
*SKAdNetwork is Apple's framework for measuring app installs.
SKAdNetwork Version Received The SKAdNetwork version that the DSP declared in their bid response.  *SKAdNetwork is Apple's framework for measuring app installs.
SKAdNetwork Version Sent The SKAdNetwork version that is sent to the buyer in the bid request. These versions are backward compatible- ex. If version 2.2 is sent in the bid request, the versions we will accept in the bid response include 2.2, 2.1, 2.0, and 1.0.  *SKAdNetwork is Apple's framework for measuring app installs
User is child User is a child as defined by the Google Play Families Ads API.
Variant ID (Ad Unit ID) The unique identifier of the ad unit in the DT system
Variant Name (Ad Unit Name) The name of the ad unit
Country The country in which the user is located
Location type IP or GPS location
Winning Demand Advertiser Domain The destination domain that the advertiser has set for a given ad
Campaign ID The campaign ID as defined by the advertiser and sent by the advertiser in the bid response
Creative ID The creative ID as defined by the advertiser and sent by advertiser in the bid response
Creative Type The format of the ad that was displayed as returned in the ad response. Can be one of the following:
  • Display
  • Video
  • Playable
Demand Source ID The unique identifier of the demand source that won the auction, as defined in the DT system
Demand Source Name Demand partner that won the auction
Demand Source Type Type of demand integration. Can be one of the following:
  • Programmatic
  • Bidding Mediated Networks
  • Waterfall Mediated Networks
  • Custom API
Seat ID Seat ID of the winning buyer on the DSP's side
Seat Name Name of winning buyer on the DSP's side
Instance ID The Instance ID as generated by the demand network. Notice: this is referred to differently, by various demand networks
Instance Name A name manually provided by the publisher for a mediated network's placement

Auctions Report Metrics

Set out below are the groups and the metrics relevant to the Auctions reports.

Group Name Metric Description Formula
Auction Ad Requests The number of requests for ads sent from an application to the servers of the exchange. Note - ad requests are not the same as bid requests. Sum(Ad Requests)
Avg Mediation Min Bid To Win Avg. minimum bid that the bidder would have needed to win the auction (for DT bidding) Sum(Mediation Min Bids to Win) / Sum(Bid Requests)
Avg. Clear Price The average price that the demand partner paid for 1000 impressions. Sum(Clear Price)/Sum(Cleared)
Clear Rate Reflects how many auctions were cleared out of the ad requests received Sum(Bids Won)/Sum(Ad Requests)
Bids Won The number of ads that were successfully sold via an auction Sum(Bids Won)
Delivery Rate The total number of impressions divided by the number of ad requests. This is the "full funnel" success rate indicator. Sum(Impressions) / Sum(Ad Requests)
eCPM The average cost of a thousand impressions {(Revenue/Sum(Impressions)}
x 1000
Bids Avg. Win eCPM Average winning bid price, in terms of CPM. Reflects the average price of all bids that won the auction. In case of a second price auction, avg. win bid price is higher than the the price the demand partner will pay for the impression. Sum(Win Bid Price) /
DT Exchange Bidder
Billing Event Total billing events, counted from burls from the mediation partner Sum(burls)
Lose Event Total lose events, counted from lurls from the mediation partner Sum(lurls)
Win Event Total win events, counted from nurls from the mediation partner Sum(nurls)
Delivery Survival Rate Total number of impressions served divided by total winning bids Sum(Impressions) / Sum(Clears)
Engagement Clicks The number of times users click on an ad Sum(Clicks)
Completion Rate The ratio of rewarded video completions to rewarded video impressions Sum(Rewarded Completions) / Sum(Rewarded Impressions)
CTR "CTR" means clickthrough rate and equals the total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions [Sum(Clicks) / Sum(Impressions) ] * 100%
Frequency The average number of ads served per unique user in a selected timeframe Sum(Impressions) /
Sum(Unique Users)
Impressions The number of ads shown to users Sum(Impressions)
Unique Users The number of all unique users that triggered at least one ad request during selected timeframe.
De-duplication is done in real time, based on the selected dimensions. This metrics is used to calculate the following metrics:

DAU (daily active users)
ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user)
Ad Frequency (impressions / unique users)

To view DAU:

Select the Unique User metric
Filter selected timeframe to a one day range OR
Split by date/time and view with daily granularity (1D)
Sum(Unique Users [by device ID, with at least one ad request])
Revenue ARPU ARPU is calculated by dividing Total Revenue by the number of Unique Users. ARPDAU helps answer the question “how well do I monetize my users?” Typical splits include ARPDAU by app, creative type, and placement type

To view ARPDAU (Average Revenue per Daily Active User):

Select the ARPU metric
Filter selected timeframe to a one day range OR
* Split by date/time and view with daily granularity (1D)
(Total Revenue) / (Unique Users)
Fee Bidding Mediated Networks fee
Applied evenly to all Bidding Mediated Networks at 5% of their spend and paid directly to DT.
This fee does not impact publisher payout.
Publisher Revenue Total payment received from demand. Some of this revenue will be paid directly by demand partner Sum(Total Revenue)

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