This guide describes an older version of the DT Console's user interface. If you have already switched to the newer user interface released in September 2024, refer to the updated documentation.
The purpose of this guide is to ensure you get the best out of Digital Turbine. Each tab above walks you through the first steps of the process to begin your DT experience. Once you complete each step, move to the next tab.
Opening your Account With DT
- Go to DT Fairbid Console.
- Enter the required information on the Sign Up page.
Use your official email address as stated in the app store or your website.
- Click Confirm.
- Check for an acceptance email from DT. This email may be in your spam folder.
Logging in to the DT Fairbid Console
- On the DT Fairbid Console, enter your credentials.
- Click Sign In. Your DT Fairbid Console displays.
This guide describes an older version of the DT Console's user interface. If you have already switched to the newer user interface released in September 2024, refer to the updated documentation.
Adding Your App
Once you receive the acceptance email from DT, you can begin adding Apps to your console.
To add an App to your console:
- Log in to the DT Fairbid Console.
- In the DT Fairbid Console, click Add App. The App Search box displays.
Adding an App Already Published in the App Store
- As you enter App attributes such as App Name, Developer Name, or Bundlie ID in the search field, a list of apps that meet the attributes appears.
- From the search results, select the app you want to add to the DT Fairbid Console.
- If applicable, select the COPPA checkbox.
- Click Create App. Your app now appears in the console.
- If you want to add additional Apps to the console, click Add Another App.
Adding an App Not Yet Published in the App Store
- In the Add App window, select the My App is not available in the Google Play / Apple App Store checkbox.
- Enter the name of the app.
- Select whether the app is for Android or iOS platform.
- In the Category section, select the relevant categories of the App. Advertisers use these categories for targeting purposes.
- Drag and drop an icon for your app.
- Enter the Bundle ID for your app.
- If applicable, select the COPPA checkbox.
Your app now appears in the console.
Adding Placements on App Creation
When adding an app, you can automatically create a default placement. Select the ad type for which you want to create a default placement.
The default placements are Default Banner
, Default Interstitial
, Default Rewarded
, or Default MREC
. You can further edit these placements from the placement screen.
Editing App Settings
- Select the app you want to edit from the list.
For each app, the console displays the associated active placement types and select performance metrics that refer to DT FairBid traffic for the app during the previous day.
- Click App Settings.
- Enter either the iTunes URL or Play Store URL.
- If necessary, amend the Bundle ID and Categories.
- Click Save.
This guide describes an older version of the DT Console's user interface. If you have already switched to the newer user interface released in September 2024, refer to the updated documentation.
Creating Placements
A placement refers to a location within your app where you want to displays ads. For example, this location may be on the start screen, the Game Over screen, or the bottom or top bar of the app. You can create multiple placements within one app, and you must have at least one placement to monetize your app. For each placement, you can define a specific ad format, configuration, and delivery rules to maximize performance.
Adding Your Placement
To create an ad placement:
- Log in to the DT Fairbid Console.
- Under Monetization, click App Management.
The App Management window opens.
- Select the app for which you want to create placements. The placement window opens displaying all current placements.
- Enter a name for the placement.
- Select the Placement Type from the dropdown list.
- Click Save Placement. You have successfully created a placement. You can directly add instances and edit floor prices from the placement list. Further elements are customizable through Placement Setup.
- On the placement window, next to your placement, select Placement Setup.
- To create placements in bulk, use the CSV Upload tool.
- This is where you can look up a Placement ID
Multi-testing allows you to test different placement configurations. For more information about Multi-Testing, see Multi-Testing. To enable multi-testing, toggle CREATE MULTI-TEST to on.
Fairbid recommends a test time is available after collecting performance data on the placement.
You can target a specific audience that is exposed to ads running on this placement.
- Toggle TARGETING to on, and select at least one Region or one Network Connection.
Set at least one Country or Network Connection option. Otherwise, turn the TARGETING toggle off.
Floor Price
A floor price is the minimum price in US Dollars at which you are willing to sell your inventory. By default, the DT Fairbid Console displays all pricing in USD, and sets the default floor prices to $0.01 USD for all countries. Buyers in DT Exchange auctions can bid on any placement with the floor price set to $.01 USD or higher.
- Enter a floor price.
- Select countries and set a different eCPM floor price for each one.
- Filter and amend the floor price for each country individually or by Country Group.
Capping and Pacing
You can limit the number of ads shown on a placement during a given time frame (Capping) and also add a rule for how often an ad displays (Pacing).
Ad Format Settings
In addition to the Placement Setup settings, each of the following ad formats has further specific settings.
Interstitials are full-page ads served between screens during mobile app navigation. They are presented to the user at natural app transition points such as app launch, video pre-roll, or game level load.
To set up interstitial ads:
- Under Supported Ad Types, use the toggle to indicate which type of ad you want to allow for the placement. By default, both options are active. You can modify this at any time.
- If you allow Video ad type, you can customize the Video Skipability Settings to decide which videos you want to display.
Rewarded ads are an engaging ad format that displays a short (30 seconds or less) video ad to the user. In exchange for watching the entire video, the user earns a reward in the form of in-app currency.
To set up server side rewarding:
- Toggle Server Side Rewarding to on.
- Enter the name of your in-app currency.
- Input the the amount of in-app currency you want to reward the user for watching the entire ad on this placement.
- Use Server Side Rewarding to define the server-to-server callback.
The Medium Rectangle (MREC) ad format displays ads that are 300x250 px. MREC ads display within the editorial content of the app and can support both display and video ad types. MREC ads do not have a close button and are not skippable. To set up an MREC ad placement, specify the refresh interval between ads.
MREC Ads are available with FairBid SDK version 3.33.1 or later.
Quick Reporting Metrics
For each placement, the DT Fairbid Console displays select reporting metrics that relate to the performance of that placement. At a glance, you can easily gain insights into the health of the placement in terms of its performance and revenue contribution.
An explanation of each metric is available as a tooltip. You can sort the displayed list of placements by each metric for quick insights into revenue contribution, engagement, or fill rate.
Next, add mediated networks.
This guide describes an older version of the DT Console's user interface. If you have already switched to the newer user interface released in September 2024, refer to the updated documentation.
Adding Mediated Networks
Before you associate mediated networks with placements, retrieve parameters from network dashboards. For more information about the parameters you should retrieve, see our comprehensive collection of integration guides for each mediated network.
To add a mediated network:
- On the App Management window, click the Mediated Networks tab.
- Click the mediated network from the list. The Network Configuration window displays. By default all networks are inactive until you select one.
- Enter your credentials for the mediated network.
- Click Save. The mediated network is added to the Active Mediated Networks section. Repeat this process for each mediated network you want to add.
All network settings are defined at the app level and all placements inherit the network settings of the app. For a detailed list of the required parameters for each network, see network guides.
Next, associate an Instance of the selected Mediated Networks to a placement.
This guide describes an older version of the DT Console's user interface. If you have already switched to the newer user interface released in September 2024, refer to the updated documentation.
Creating Instances
After you configure mediated networks and add placements to your app, the final step of the setup process for your placement is to define Ad Network Instances and arrange them in order of preference within the DT Fairbid Console.
To configure an instance:
- Login to the DT Fairbid Console, and select the app for which you want to add instances.
- Next to the relevant placement from the placement list, click Add Instances.
- Enter the details of the instance:
- Instance Name
- The internal name of the instance in the DT Fairbid Console. Reporting uses this name.
- Mediated Network
- The network for which you are setting up the instance.
If you cannot find the network, it is likely that you have not added it as an active network for the associated app. For more information about how to add mediated network to the app, see Adding Mediated Networks.
- Instance ID
- Instance ID as it appears on the network dashboard. For more information about how to retrieve network parameters, see the relevant network guide.
Enter a CPM value for new Instances without previous performance data. Leave Auto CPM on. For more information about Auto CPM settings, see Auto CPM. further details below in the Auto CPM section.
- Click Save Instance. You have successfully created an instance. All instances are displayed in the list under the corresponding placement.
Auto CPM
The DT FairBid Auto CPM prediction relies on paid CPM values for the instance from the previous 30 days. Using this data, the algorithm produces the most accurate CPM prediction and positions the instance in the waterfall to ensure maximal revenues. By default, Auto CPM is on.
When creating a new Instance, DT highly recommends leaving the Auto CPM checkbox selected and setting the Manual CPM prices for the instance's top countries. When DT Fairbid collects enough performance data to make predictions, it can automatically switch from the entered Manual CPM to the Auto CPM prediction.
If you still choose to enforce a manual CPM price, define it on the Manual CPM List and turn off Auto CPM.
To set Manual CPM prices for your top countries:
- Search for and select a country or region.
- Enter a price for the selected country or region, and click Add.
Once you add a CPM for a specific country, DT Fairbid automatically sets a CPM for the Rest of the World at $0.01. If you do not set a CPM for any country, DT Fairbid sets a manual CPM of $0.01 for all countries.
- To save your CPM entries, close the CPM Price Model window.
Instance Capping and Pacing
The Instance Setup page allows you to manage the number of ads shown from an Instance during a given time frame (Capping) and also add a rule for how often an ad displays (Pacing) from an Instance.
To manage capping and pacing of an Instance:
- Click the three vertical dots for the Instance, and select Instance Setup. The Instance Setup page displays..
- If you want to specify a maximum number of times an ad displays from this Instance, toggle CAPPING to on, and enter a value. If you want to specify how often an ad displays from this Instance, toggle PACING to on, and enter a value.
Instance Targeting
You can target Instances by country or user tracking status.
Targeting by Country
Under INSTANCE TARGETING, toggle Target by Country to on, and specify a list of countries in which you want to make the instance active (included) or inactive (excluded).
Carefully consider which countries to Include or Exclude. If a user generates an ad request from a country where the instance is not active (excluded), then instance is never activated for the user, and the placement does not get filled.
Targeting by User Tracking Status
This option allows you to restrict the Instance exposure depending on the user's decision to allowing tracking. For iOS, this is based on App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework and the availability of IDFA. For Android, this is based on the user's choice of whether to opt-out of Ad Personalization.
With this advanced setting, you can create different waterfall setups for the same placement. Each setup targets different types of users: those who allow tracking and those who do not.
When finished, click Save.
To create placements in bulk, use the CSV Upload tool.
Activating or Deactivating an Instance
- From the list of Instances, locate the Instance you want to activate or deactivate.
- For each Instance you want to activate, toggle the associated switch on. For each Instance you want to deactivate, toggle the associated switch off.
DT automatically moves deactivated Instances to the auto-optimization section and disconnects them from the placement.
Deleting an Instance
- Click the three vertical dots for the Instance.
- Select Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm the deletion.
Prioritizing Ad Networks
You can specify the order in which Instances are called before moving to instances under the Auto Optimized section.
- In the Placement Setup window, click Mediated Network Instances. All existing instances for this placement display. as add new instances.
- Click Guaranteed Deals. A list of Mediated Networks displays.
- Drag and drop the instances in the Manual Prioritization section in to the order in which you want them called. Setting manual prioritization overrides all Instances under Automatic CPM ("Auto Optimized") in the waterfall. You cannot prioritize Programmatic Mediation (bidding) partners.
Waterfall Visualization
The Waterfall Visualization tool displays the order in which the waterfall instances are called along with values predicted by the DT Auto CPM algorithm, if you have set Auto CPM for the instance.
The Waterfall Visualization considers the following factors:
- Targeting settings for the Instance
- The country from which the ad request is received
- The user’s tracking status (if the IDFA is available for iOS users, or if an Android user opted out of personalized ads)
To use the Waterfall Visualization feature:
- Click the three vertical dots next to the placement
- Click Waterfall Visualization.
Select a Country and User Tracking Status. A simulation of the waterfall for the next ad request displays.
Auction Audit
The FairBid auction begins with running the waterfall and continues to the bidders’ auctions that include the DT Exchange DSPs and the bidding mediated networks. The FairBid auction winner is the demand source that offered or was predicted to offer the highest CPM for the ad request.
The Auction Audit tool allows you to view both a random sampling of auction logs as well actual auction logs that have taken place within the last seven days for any of your DT FairBid placements. For the auction sample, DT Fairbid chooses 5 random auctions that meet the country and time criteria that you specify. You can copy the sample content to further analyze the auction with your DT Account Manager.
It may take up to 20 minutes for live auctions to reflect a change to Placement settings.
To use the Auction Audit tool:
- Click the three vertical dots for the placement.
- Click Auction Audit.
- Select the country, date, and hour of the auction.
- Click Sample an Auction. The auction sample displays. By default, the first sample is an auction that took place 24 hours ago for an ad request from the United States of America.
- If you want to view another sample of auctions using the same country and time combination, click Sample an Auction again.