Setting Up DT FairBid

The DT Console is the DT self-service portal where you can set up your app for monetization with DT FairBid. You must have DT Publisher credentials to sign in to the DT Console.

For more information, see articles on Signing Up for DT Console and Signing In to the DT Console.

Once you have the credentials and your account has been confirmed, configure your app:

Step 1: Add Your App

The DT Console allows you to add your app whether or not it is published in an app store. When you add your app, you can either add placements and networks at the same time or add your placements and networks after adding your app.

To add your app using the DT Console:

  1. In the DT Console, go to Monetization → App Management, and click Add App.
  2. Enter details about your app.
    For more information, see our Adding an App article.
  3. Enter placements for your app as described in Working with Placements When Adding an App, or skip this step now and add them later.
  4. Add mediation networks as described in Adding Ad Networks When Adding an App, or skip this step now and add them later.
  5. Click Add app.

Step 2: Add Placements to Your App

You can add multiple placements to one app, and you must add at least one placement to monetize your app. For each placement, you can define a specific ad format, configuration, and delivery rules to maximize performance.

To add a placement to your app:

  1. In the DT Console, go to Monetization → App Management, and click your app.
  2. On the Placements tab, click Add placement.
  3. Enter basic placement details (ad type, floor price, and name), and click Add at the end of the new placement row.
    For more information, see Setting Up Placements.
  4. To configure additional placement settings (targeting, refresh rate, capping, pacing, etc.), click the newly added placement, enter the desired settings, and click Save.

Step 3: Add Networks to Your App

Mediated networks are the networks you want DT FairBid to mediate. Adding a mediated network requires you to share network parameters with DT. The parameters that you must provide vary by network. For more information about which network parameters to provide, see the appropriate Network Integration Guide.

To add a mediated network for your app:

  1. In the DT Console, go to Monetization → App Management, and click your app.
  2. On the Networks tab, click Add network.
  3. Enter the required network parameters, and click Add network.
    For more information, see Setting Up Mediated Networks.

Step 4: Add Instances to Your Placements

Mediated network instances, also known as instances, indicate the networks on which you want to offer a particular placement. For Waterfall mediation, DT offers your placement to each network in the order you set for the placement. For bidding networks, DT conducts an auction of your placement to all bidding networks you add to a placement.

To add an instance to a placement:

  1. In the DT Console, go to Monetization → App Management, and click your app.
  2. On the Placements tab, click the placement to which you want to add a network instance, and click Add instance.
  3. Select one of the mediated networks available for this app, enter basic details for the instance (Name, Instance ID, and Worldwide CPM), and click Add instance.
    For more information, see Setting Up Instances.
  4. To configure additional instance settings (pricing and targeting), click the newly added instance, enter the desired settings, and click Save.


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