Sending Test Callbacks

To check your server-side rewarding setup, send a test callback to your configured callback endpoint for Offer Wall rewards. DT sends the test callback in the same method and format as an actual reward notification. For more information about setting up the callback endpoint for Offer Wall rewards, see Server-Side Rewarding.


The test callback includes custom parameters (pub0 … pub9) as indicated in your SDK integration.

Test callbacks from the Reward Handling section of the Settings tab of the Application Details screen:


To access the Reward Handling section:

  1. Log in to the DT Console, and go to Monetization→Offer Wall.
  2. Select the app for which you want to set up reward handling.
    The Application Details screen opens.
  3. Click the Settings tab, and locate the Reward Handling section.

To send a test reward callback:

  1. In the Reward Handling section of the Settings tab, click Test Callbacks.
    The Test Server-side Callback window appears.

Test Server-side callback window

  1. In the Reward field, enter a reward amount to send in the test callback.
  2. From the Virtual currency drop-down, select the virtual currency you want to send in the test callback.
  3. Click Send Callback.
    DT sends the amount of virtual currency in a callback to your Offer Wall Callback endpoint.

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