Specifying General Placement Settings

General placement settings control the name, status, layout, and virtual currency associated with the placement. Configure general placement settings from the Placement Details screen.


Naming a Placement

To name a placement, enter a name in the Name field on the Placement Details screen.

Activating or Deactivating a Placement

Placement status determines whether your app receives ad traffic.

To activate or deactivate a placement:

  1. From the General section of the Placement Details screen, select one of the following Placement Status options.
INACTIVE The placement is disabled and does not receive traffic. Offer Wall reports do not include data for inactive placements.
ACTIVE The placement is immediately live and is able to receive traffic. Offer Wall reports include data only for active placements.
  1. Click Save.
    A message confirms the update.

Setting a Layout

You can apply a tab layout that filters offers by their difficulty ranking and reward level.

To set your layout:

  1. From the General section of the Placement Details screen, select one of the following Tabs options.
DISABLED The placement uses the default layout that lists all offers regardless of difficulty or reward.
ENABLED The placement sorts offers into two tabs: easy offers and high-reward offers.
  1. Click Save.
    A message confirms the update.

Setting a Virtual Currency

The virtual currency is the currency in which your app rewards users for completing offers. The virtual currency also displays in the default banner for the Offer Wall UI.

To specify a virtual currency for a placement:

From the General section of the Placement Details screen, select a virtual currency from the Virtual Currency drop-down.


The virtual currency you select automatically updates the default banner and buttons in the UI preview.

Setting Custom Exchange Rates

Your default placement specifies a worldwide exchange rate that applies to all placements. To encourage user engagement, you can set country-specific exchange rates that take precedence over the worldwide exchange rate.

Set all exchange rates in the Exchange rate per country area of the Placement Details screen.

Adding an Exchange Rate Entry

To encourage user engagement in specific geographical regions, you can set a specific virtual currency exchange rate by country (or countries). You can only apply one exchange rate per country.

To add an exchange rate for a country:

  1. In the Exchange rate per country area, click Add Entry.
  2. From the Country drop-down, select the country or countries for which you want to specify a specific exchange rate.
  3. Enter the exchange rate.
  4. Click Save.
    A message confirms the update.

Modifying Exchange Rate Entry

To modify an existing exchange rate entry:

  1. In the Exchange rate per country area, enter the desired exchange rate.
  2. From the Country drop-down, select the countries for this exchange rate.
  3. Click Save.
    A message confirms the update.

Deleting an Exchange Rate Entry

You can only delete exchange rates that you have applied to specific countries. When you delete an exchange rate entry or remove a country from an exchange rate entry, the default worldwide exchange rate applies to the deleted country. You cannot delete the default worldwide exchange rate.

To delete an exchange rate entry:

  1. In the Exchange rate per country area, click the red × at the end of the row for the rate entry you want to delete.
  2. Click Save.
    A message confirms the update.

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