Setting Up Placements

A placement refers to a location within your app where ads can be displayed. In the case of Offer Wall, this is a page in your app that displays a list of offers. You can add multiple placements within one app. For each placement, you can define a different look and feel for each placement.

Configure all Offer Wall placements from the Placements Details screen.


To set up Offer Wall placements:

  1. From the DT Console, go to Monetization→OfferWall.
    Offer Wall Publisher Dashboard opens.
  2. Select the app for which you want to create a placement.
    The Application Details screen opens.
  3. On the Placements tab, access the Placement Details screen to complete any of the following tasks:
    • To edit an existing placement (including the default placement), click the placement you want to update.
    • To add a new placement, click Add Placement.
  4. Add general placement settings as described in Specifying General Placement Settings.
  5. Add UI settings for the placement as described in Specifying UI Settings for the placement.

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