
The show/fyber endpoint provides details for a specific offer including the specific URL to which you should direct your user to complete the offer.

Send the Request

DT provides the show/fyber request URL in the url parameter of the feed/v1/offers response.

Method GET
Endpoint show/fyber


Response Structure

The response for the show/fyber endpoint contains details about a specific offer. These details include the specific url (offer_url) for the offer to which you should redirect your user in order for them to fulfill the offer requirements.

  "id": 1111111,
  "offer_url": "",
  "country_code": "AA",
  "background_tracking": false,
  "mobile_app_identifier": "",
  "preview": true,
  "preview_text": "Installieren Fun Game!\nErreiche eine Tiefe von 9500 Metern und erhalte deine Belohnung   ",
  "is_download": false,
  "reload_offers": false,
  "icon_hires": "",
  "icon_lores": "",
  "title": "Erreiche in Fun Game eine Tiefe von 9500 Metern",
  "virtual_currency": "Tokens",
  "attribution_window": 10,
  "type": "task",
  "ad_id": 1111111,
  "lpid": 2222222,
  "advertiser_id": 33333,
  "account_manager_id": 555555,
  "comment": "**Das Angebot gilt nur für neue Benutzer!**",
  "program_id": 7777777,
  "mobile_title": "Erreiche in Fun Game eine Tiefe von 9500 Metern",
  "url": "//",
  "is_free": true,
  "is_trackable": true,
  "rewd_curr": null,
  "rewd_amnt": 1243,
  "actn_text": "mobile_required_actions.download_and_start",
  "icon": "",
  "user_task_category": "In-App Action",
  "user_task_category_id": 27,
  "user_task": {
    "id": 27,
    "icon": ""
  "user_task_icon": "",
  "is_highlighted": false,
  "store_id": "",
  "size_tag": "80 MB",
  "is_video": false,
  "video": false,
  "initial_scarcity": 1,
  "required_actions": "",
  "action_steps": [
      "step": "Installieren Fun Game!",
      "payout_distribution": 0,
      "action_id": "",
      "minimum_latency": null
      "step": "Erreiche eine Tiefe von 9500 Metern und erhalte deine Belohnung   ",
      "payout_distribution": 0,
      "action_id": "S2S_DEPTH_REACHED_9500",
      "minimum_latency": null
  "action_description": "ACP-EDGE action description",
  "billing_relation_id": 0,
  "latency": 30,
  "dynamic_payout_enabled": false,
  "cost_model": "cost_per_engagement",
  "complexity": 100,
  "mobile_app_primary_category": "Games",
  "non_web_offer": true,
  "avg_latency": 0,
  "multi_payout": false,
  "instruction_steps": [],
  "asset_urls": [
  "action_type": "complete_action",
  "creative_id": null

Response Parameters

account_manager_id boolean Unique identifier for the DT account manager that works with the advertiser.
action_description string Description of required action.
action_steps array Contains details about incremental rewards for Multi-Reward Campaigns.
action_steps.action_id string Unique identifier for the action step.
action_steps.minimum_latency number The minimum time in seconds that the user must take to complete the rewarded action (to prevent fraud). Offer requirements completed before this latency period ends are not eligible for reward.
action_steps.payout_distribution number Percentage of the total virtual currency to be rewarded upon completing the step.
action_steps.step string Text describing the action user must do to receive reward.
action_type string Type of user action required to complete offer.
actn_text string Text for actions that user must complete.
ad_id number Advertiser's unique identifier for the offer.
advertiser_id number unique identifier for the advertiser in the DT system.
asset_urls array URLs for images associated with the offer.
attribution_window number Number of days in which the user must complete the offer requirements and be eligible for reward. Offers completed after this time are not eligible for reward.
avg_latency number The minimum time in seconds that the user must take to complete the rewarded action (to prevent fraud).  Offer requirements completed before this latency period ends are not eligible for reward.
background_tracking boolean This parameter is specific to SDK implementations for attribution and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
billing_relation_id number This parameter is specific to SDK implementations for attribution and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
comment string Notes about the advertising campaign for the offer.
complexity number Rating from 0 to 100 describing how difficult it is to complete the offer requirements. DT uses the following scale:
0-30 = Easy
31-62 = Medium
63-100 = Hard
cost_model string The offer event that triggers a reward. DT may return the following values
cost_per_engagement = user rewarded when they complete a pre-defined action in an app
cost_per_install = user rewarded when they install an app
cost_per action = user rewarded when they complete a predefined task such as registration or a survey.
country_code string Two-character country code of the user's device sent in initial request via feed/v1/offers endpoint.
creative_id string DT no longer supports this parameter.
dynamic_payout_enabled boolean Indicates whether payout of virtual currency should follow the Dynamic Payout model.
TRUE = reward should use Dynamic Payout
FALSE = reward does not use Dynamic Payout
icon string Graphic asset for the icon representing the offer.
icon_hires string URL to access the offer icon in high resolution format.
icon_lores string URL to access the offer icon in low resolution format.
id number Unique identifier for the offer.
initial_scarcity number DT no longer supports this parameter.
instruction_steps array Requirements for completing the offer.
is_download boolean Value showing whether offer requires app download.
TRUE = offer requires app download
FALSE = offer does not require app download
is_free boolean DT no longer supports this parameter.
is_highlighted boolean DT no longer supports this parameter.
is_trackable boolean User has opted in either with IDFA or GAID.
TRUE = User has opted in for tracking
FALSE = User has not opted in for tracking
is_video boolean DT no longer supports this parameter.
latency number The minimum time in seconds that the user must take to complete the rewarded action (to prevent fraud). Offer requirements completed before this latency period ends are not eligible for reward.
lpid number Advertiser's unique identifier for the offer landing page.
mobile_app_identifier string For mobile app offers, bundle ID of app offers as presented in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
mobile_app_primary_category string For mobile app offers, the main category in which the app appears in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
mobile_title string For offers advertising a mobile app, the title for the offer campaign.
multi_payout boolean Indicates whether campaign allows multiple payouts for multiple completions of the offer requirements.
non_web_offer boolean Indicates whether to offer is for a mobile app or other web-based campaign.
TRUE = web-based campaign offer
FALSE = mobile app campaign
offer_url string URL to access the offer. In order to complete the offer requirements, the user must access this URL.
preview boolean Value showing whether image for offer preview is available.
TRUE = preview image available
FALSE = preview image not available
preview_text string Text for offer preview.
program_id number For mobile app offers, bundle ID for the mobile app in the DT system.
reload_offers boolean This parameter is no longer supported.
required_actions string Text describing the actions user must do to receive reward.
rewd_amnt number Amount of virtual currency that should be awarded to the user upon completion of the offer.
rewd_curr string Virtual currency that should be awarded upon user completing the offer.
size_tag string For mobile app offers, the size of the app.
store_id string For mobile app offers, the Bundle ID for the app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
title string Name of the offer campaign.
type string Type of user action required to complete the offer. DT returns one of the following values:
app = offer requires user to download an app
task = offer requires user to perform a task
url string The show/fyber endpoint associated with this response.
user_task array Tasks that user must complete to receive reward. This array is specific to SDK implementations and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
user_task_category string Category for the required action from the user. This parameter is specific to SDK implementations and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
user_task_category_id number Unique identifier for the task category. This parameter is specific to SDK implementations and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
user_task_icon string URL for the icon specific to the offer task.
user_task.icon string This parameter is specific to SDK implementations and is not applicable to REST API implementations. number This parameter is specific to SDK implementations and is not applicable to REST API implementations.
video boolean DT no longer supports this parameter.
virtual_currency string Name of the virtual currency that user receives upon completing offer requirements.

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