SDK Integration

This guide is one of four that explains how to integrate the DT FairBid SDK for Android, iOS, and Unity apps. Android and iOS require platform-specific setup, whereas Unity uses plug-ins for integration to simplify the process and ensure cross-platform compatibility. Select the appropriate tab to access platform-specific requirements, setup procedures, and integration methods. 

  1. SDK Integration (this guide)
  2. Setting-Up DT Fairbid (in the DT Console)
  3. Initializing the SDK
  4. Ad Formats (adding the ads to your app)
Android iOS Unity


Current SDK Version

  • 3.56.0

Note that since version 3.41.0, DT FairBid and DT Offer Wall are integrated through the same SDK - the DT FairBid SDK.


  • Android 4.1 (API Level 16)+
  • Google Play Services 11.4.0+


DT supports both Gradle dependencies and manual downloads to integrate the SDK.


Add DT Maven repository and plugins to your gradle build script:

  1. Add the following to your project's root level build.gradle file inside the repositories section.
  2. At the root level build.gradle file, there are usually two repository sections - one for buildscript and one for allprojects. Add the entry in allprojects:
allprojects {
    repositories {
  1. Add the following to the project app-level build.gradle file inside the plugins section (For additional information, see Types of Gradle Plugins):
plugins {
    id 'com.fyber.fairbid-sdk-plugin' version '3.56.0'
  1. If you support Android SDK below 26, add the following snippet to the Android section (for Java Version Compatibility):
android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Manual Download

  1. Download the DT FairBid SDK.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Import the .aar packages into your project.

Optional Permissions

The following permissions are not required for our SDK or 3rd-party SDKs to function, but including them in your AndroidManifest.xml may result in improved eCPM and user experience:

<!-- Optionally used by FairBid -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Adding 3rd Party SDKs

In addition to integrating the DT FairBid SDK, publishers who are using DT FairBid Mediation, must integrate chosen 3rd-party networks' SDKs into their app.

  • Set up your app in the network's dashboard and in the DT Console. A step-by-step guide can be found here.
  • Download the relevant network's SDK. Supported networks and their SDKs can be found here.
    • You must add additional configurations for each third party network.
    • These entries are found by selecting your third party networks in the table.


The DT FairBid SDK automatically detects and initializes SDKs from 3rd-party networks.

Once you've added all third party SDKs and set-up your app in the console, you can go ahead and initialize the DT Fairbid SDK.

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