DT uses instances to support network mediation which is only available for DT FairBid customers.
Mediated network instances, also known as instances, indicate the order of mediated networks to which you want to offer your placement as well as the price at which you want to offer your placement.
Manage all network instances from the Instances section of the Placement details screen.
Adding an Instance
When adding a new instance, DT FairBid requires a name and an ID for the instance. You can reuse instance names and IDs from instances for other placements of the same type. To reuse an instance name and ID, you must meet the following conditions:
- The placements are of the same type. For example, you can reuse an instance in a Banner placement for an instance in any other Banner placement. However, you cannot reuse an instance in a Banner placement for an instance in an Interstitial placement.
- Enter the exact name and ID of the instance you want to reuse. You cannot reuse an instance name with another ID, and conversely, you cannot reuse an instance ID with another name.
- To reuse instances of bidding networks, you must be running FairBid SDK version 3.56.0 or later.
When you add an instance, DT uses default settings for CPM and targeting. To modify these default values, edit the instance.
Before you begin adding instances, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
- Add the mediated network to your app.
- Add placements to your app.
- Retrieve the unique mediated network identifier for this placement to use as the Instance ID. For more information about which parameter to retrieve, see the appropriate Network Integration Guide.
To add an instance:
- From the Instances section of the Placement details screen, click Add instance.
The Add instance window opens and displays a list of mediated networks associated with your app.
If the mediated network does not appear in the list, then you must first add the network to the app. For more information about how to add a mediated network to the app, see Adding Mediated Networks.
- On the Add instance window, select a mediated network.
- Enter a Name for the instance. You can enter a unique name or reuse an existing instance name from the same network and placement type. DT uses this name for all Reporting activities.
- Enter an Instance ID. DT suggests using the unique identifier for this placement from the mediated network. For more information about what network identifier to use, see the appropriate Network Integration Guide.
- If adding a Waterfall instance: In the Worldwide CPM field, enter the minimum price you are willing to accept for this placement in this mediated network. DT uses this CPM until it establishes an automatic eCPM.
- Click Add instance.
Editing an Instance
The DT Console creates Instances with default pricing and targeting settings. You can adjust these defaults as needed.
Make all instance modifications on the Instance settings window. From the Placement details screen, click the instance you want to modify.
When adding an instance, the DT Console applies Auto CPM by default. Auto CPM automatically adjusts the CPM based on historical pricing. While DT gathers pricing data to determine the best CPM, DT applies the Worldwide CPM. Once the DT Console gathers enough data to make CPM predictions, the instance shifts to use the CPM determined by Auto CPM.
If you do not want to use Auto CPM, deactivate Auto CPM, and manually enter either a Worldwide CPM or targeted CPMs. Additionally, some networks (Google Ad Manager and BIGO Ads) do not support Auto CPM and require you to manually enter a CPM.
Applying Manual Worldwide Pricing
To apply manual worldwide pricing:
- Ensure that the AUTO CPM checkbox is deselected.
- Enter the CPM for the Worldwide entry.
- Click Save.
Applying Manual Pricing by Country
To apply manual pricing by country or region:
- Ensure that the AUTO CPM checkbox is deselected.
- Click Add countries.
A list of countries available for targeting displays.
- Select the countries or regions you want to target.
As you select countries, they move to the top of the list.
- In the CPM field, enter the CPM for the selected countries.
- Click Apply.
- Repeat Steps 2-5 until you have specified all of your CPM targets.
The list of countries in the Pricing sections updates as you add targets, and the Worldwide target changes to Rest of the World.
- Click Save.
You can target the availability of the instance by country or user type. Modify all Instance targeting settings in the Targeting section of the Instance settings window.
Targeting Instance by Country
The DT Console defaults to exclude no country or region. You can include or exclude countries or regions as needed.Targeting Instance by User Tracking Status
To target by User Tracking status, select the tracking status for which you want to allow this instance.
- Under TARGET BY USER TRACKING STATUS, select the tracking status for which you want to allow this instance.
- Click Save.
Activating and Deactivating an Instance
Deactivated instances do not receive any traffic, and you cannot modify the settings of a deactivated instance. Once deactivated, the instance is hidden from the list of placement instances. Use the Show/Hide inactive instances icon to display or hide deactivated instances.
To deactivate an instance:
- On the Placement Details screen, locate the active instance you want to deactivate.
- Click the three-dot menu for the instance, and click Deactivate.
- Click Yes to confirm the deactivation.
To activate an inactive instance:
- On the Placement Details screen, locate the deactivated instance you want to activate.
- Click the three-dot menu for the deactivated instance, and click Activate.