Editing App Settings

The Settings tab of the App Details screen contains basic information about your app, such as app name, platform, category, and app store information.

Settings tab of the App details screen

If you provided app store information when adding your app to the DT Console, DT attempts to synchronize your app name and icon with the app store. If your app is live in the app store, and DT successfully synchronizes with the app store, you cannot modify any of your app settings (other than the checkboxes indicating whether your app is intended for children). However, if your app is not yet live in the app store, you can continue to modify your app settings as well as configure your app placements for testing. No actual production data is recorded until your app is live in the app store.

Deactivating an App

Deactivating an app pauses all ad requests from your app. You can still access the app in the DT Console as well as all reporting regarding this app; however, until you re-activate this application, DT does not gather any additional metrics as your app does not receive ad requests while deactivated. Additionally, DT pauses any experiments that are running at the time of deactivation and deletes any experiments that have not begun (for details, see Experimenting with Placements).

To deactivate an app:

  1. From the Apps dashboard, click the app you want to deactivate.
    The App details screen opens.
  1. On the App details screen, click the dot menu for the app on the App details screen, and click Deactivate.
  1. Click Confirm to confirm the deactivation.
    The app displays as INACTIVE.

Deactivated app

Re-Activating an App

Re-activating a deactivated app resumes ad requests for the app. Additionally, DT resumes collection of data for reporting as well as running experiments that were running at the time of deactivation.

To re-activate a deactivated app:

  1. From the Apps dashboard, click the app you want to re-activate.
    The App details screen opens.
  1. On the App details screen, click the dot menu for the app, and click Activate.
    The app displays as ACTIVE.

Reactivated app showing as ACTIVE on the App details screen

Deleting an App

Deleting an app stops all ad requests from your app. Any placement Experiments that are running are also deleted. Once deleted, you can still access historical reporting captured until the time of deletion, but you cannot reverse the deletion and continue where you left off (as when you deactivate an app).


You cannot reverse this action.

To delete an app:

  1. From the Apps dashboard, click the app you want to delete.
    The App details screen opens.
  1. On the App details screen, click the dot menu for the app, and click Delete.
  1. Click Confirm to confirm the deletion.

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