The Apps Dashboard provides quick view of the apps associated with your DT account. To access the Apps Dashboard, log in to the DT Console, and go to Monetization→New App Management.
The Apps dashboard displays graphs for your Revenue, Impressions, and eCPM for the last 14 days.
You can interact with the graphs in the following ways:
- To switch between graphs, click the graph type you want to view.
- To change the date range of the graph, click the date range menu at the top right corner and select one of the predefined date ranges, or enter a custom date range.
- To display the specific value on the graph, hover over any point along the line graph.
App List
The Apps Dashboard also lists the apps associated with your account.
The Apps list also provides a quick overview of the placement types you have associated with the app as well as some quick metrics. You can manipulate the Apps list in the following ways:
- To sort the apps by name or any of the metrics, click the up or down arrow in the column heading.
- To adjust the number of apps shown, adjust the Rows per page at the bottom of the list.
- To navigate between pages of apps, use the right and left arrows at the bottom of the list.
- To find a specific app, enter the App Name or App ID in the Search bar. As you enter search criteria, the list of apps changes to display only the apps that meet your search entry.
From the Apps Dashboard, you can either add a new app to your account or edit an existing app.