iOS SDK v.8.2.7 - Privacy Manifest File Data Transfer

iOS SDK v.8.2.7 contains a Privacy Manifest file to comply with Apple’s Third-Party SDK Requirements. However, if you used Cocoapods to update to iOS SDK v.8.2.7 the DT Exchange SDK’s privacy information must be manually integrated into your app’s privacy report.

We have three options available for configuring the DT Exchange’s SDK's Privacy Manifest file:

  1. Manual Transfer. Copy the types of data collected by DT Exchange from our SDK Privacy Manifest file to your app's Privacy Manifest and use the same when creating Privacy Nutrition Label for your app. The file is located at IASDKCore/IASDKCore.xcframework/ios‑arm64/IASDKCore.framework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy but you can also download it using the link at the bottom of this page.
  2. Local podspec override for DT Exchange SDK. Use this code snippet:
    sdk_version = '8.2.7' do |spec|
        spec.platform = :ios, "11.0"
        spec.version = sdk_version = { "Digital Turbine" = "" }
        spec.summary = 'DT Exchange iOS SDK'
        spec.description  = "DT Exchange iOS SDK - Connect to the leading programmatic in-app marketplace and increase eCPMs."
        spec.homepage = ''
        spec.license = { :type = 'Commercial', :file = '' }
        spec.social_media_url = ''
        spec.source = { :git = '', :branch = sdk_version, :tag = sdk_version }
        spec.vendored_frameworks = 'IASDKCore/IASDKCore.xcframework'
        spec.ios.deployment_target  = '11.0'
        spec.frameworks = 'SystemConfiguration', 'CoreGraphics', 'MediaPlayer', 'CoreTelephony', 'StoreKit', 'AdSupport', 'AVFoundation', 'CoreMedia', 'WebKit'
        spec.libraries = 'xml2.2'
        spec.swift_version = '5.0'
        spec.ios.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' = '-ObjC' }
        spec.resource_bundles = {
            'Fyber_Marketplace_SDK' = ['IASDKCore/IASDKCore.xcframework/ios-arm64/IASDKCore.framework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']
  3. Remain on the current iOS SDK version until mid-April. Our next iOS SDK v.8.2.8. will support auto-filling your app's privacy report with data from our Privacy Manifest file.

Please contact your DT Account Manager if you have any questions or need additional information about our Privacy Manifest file.

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