Custom Product Pages

CPP enables the utilization of custom product pages in response to clicks initiated on StoreKit-based iOS components, including SKOverlay and StoreKit.
Additionally, DTX allows the attachment of a designated CPP ID to a bid response, enabling it to be utilized for click handling and redirection.


DT Exchange supports CustomProductPages on iOS 15 or later

Supported Features 

  • Demand-side platforms (DSPs) utilize iOS's native StoreKit-based components
  • App developers create distinct versions of their App Store product page, each with a unique design. These pages can be individually measured for marketing purposes
  • Bidding with a specific CPP value per impression, enabling DSPs to specify a particular product page ID

Configuring in App Store Connect

  • Ensure that DT supply supports CPP functionality (iOS 15+ compatibility) and utilizes DT Exchange SDK version 8.2.3 or later
  • When these conditions are met, a new field labeled "productpage" with a value of 1 (DT oRTB reference) is included under BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.r

Object: BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn

Attribute Always Passed Description
productpage No This attribute flags supply supporting the Custom Product Page functionality; it passes with the value 1 when eligible and will not be passed when not eligible.

For additional technical information, click here

    • DSPs can set the custom product page as part of the bid response.
      This can be achieved using a field named "productpageid" under, with the relevant product page ID


Attribute Required  Description
productpageid No

Product Page id to direct to on click

For additional technical information, click here

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