DT Exchange Ad Formats

DT Exchange supports the following Ad Formats

    • HTML Ads
    • Mraid 2.0
    • Vast and End Cards
HTML Ads MRAID 2.0 VAST and End Cards


DT Exchange HTML Ads Include all display ads, such as banners, MRECs, and interstitial ads. 

Ad Size Creative File type Mime Type Markup Notes

Small square Ads

300x250, 300x50*, 320x50, 320x100*



Snippets of JS or HTML code.
Note: Full documents are not accepted

Horizontal and Banner Ads

468x60*, 728x90, 480x320

JPG/JPEG HTML5 Ad markup should be CGI escaped.
Note: should not be URL

Vertical and large rectangle Ads

160x600, 120x600, 300x600*, 600x300*, 768x1024, 1024x768

GIFs and Animated GIFs

DT does not support application/x-shockwave-flash|

encodedDT strongly advises using secured URLs (https://) for all creatives. Should you redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, it may fail on Android and result in tracking errors.

How are Click Events Tracked on Image Ads?

The click tracking URL is fired (triggers the JS click event) when the user taps on the ad container (webView).

*How are multi ad sizes (300x50, 300x600, 320x100, 468x60) passed?

These sizes are in an array of format objects via banner—format in the bid request. Please take a look at the example sample bid request here. To enable these sizes to your bidder, please get in touch with your demand account manager.

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